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National Alopecia Areata Foundation - NAAF

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

14 Mitchell Boulevard
San Rafael, CA 94903

415-472-3780 (Voice)
415-472-5343 (FAX)


The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) was established in 1981 as a support network for people who have this disorder, to disseminate information about it, and to raise funds for research. The Foundation provides information on alopecia areata, including suggestions for coping with it, cosmetically and psychologically; NAAF can also provide the names of local support groups. It is supported through donations.

Online Resources

Print Resources

Serial publication: National Alopecia Areata Newsletter, quarterly--letters from people who have alopecia areata, medical information, and ideas for coping with the problem.

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Review Date

Fri Dec 12, 2008