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U.S. Government Printing Office - GPO

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Mail Stop: IDCC
732 N. Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC 20401

866-512-1800 (Voice - Toll-free)
202-512-1800 (Voice, D.C. area)
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The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) was founded in 1861 for the production of U.S. Government documents. GPO was assigned the additional duties of sales and distribution in 1895. Yearly sales today exceed 25 million publications. More than 12,000 different titles may be printed during a single session of Congress. Publications prepared by Congress and the agencies and departments of the Federal government are printed and distributed by the GPO. Except some of its catalogs, the GPO does not distribute any free publications. Payment is required in advance of shipment. DATABASE: The GPO Publication Reference File is used online at the GPO and is searchable by the public on DIALOG. It is a total listing of GPO materials. Searchable fields include subject, title, and author.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The comprehensive listing of publications available from the GPO is the Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. It is divided by subject areas, a number of which are health-related. A series of free subject bibliographies lists publications available in over 240 subject areas, including mental health, public health, medicine and medical science, and many other health areas. An index of these bibliographies is available free. Health and Health Related Publications lists new publications in health subject areas. This Subject Bibliography is issued irregularly and is available free.

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Review Date

Tue Nov 11, 2008