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Freedom from Hunger

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

1644 Da Vinci Court
Davis, CA 95616

800-708-2555 (Voice - Toll-free)
530-758-6200 (Voice)
530-758-6241 (FAX)


Freedom from Hunger, founded in 1946 as Meals for Millions, is a private, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization. Their Credit with Education program integrates basic village banking methodologies with non-formal adult education the topics of health, nutrition and micro-enterprise management. Targeted to women who live in absolute poverty, the program provides access to cash credit, savings opportunities to start or build home-based businesses. The women receive their loans as a group and co-sign for each other, providing a joint guarantee of repayment. At weekly repayment meetings, the women participate in learning sessions that cover the basics of health, child nutrition, family planning, HIV/AIDS prevention and skills for better business management. Credit with Education is implemented rural regions of the developing world in partnership with local organizations. Because loans are made at commercial interest rates and repayment of loans is 99%, the programs can become financially self-sufficient. Impact studies have documented statistically significant improvements in women's economic status as well as child health and nutrition. Freedom from Hunger's goal is to bring the benefits of Credit with Education to 2.2 million by 2005.

Online Resources

Print Resources

Freedom from Hunger publishes an Annual Report; several information brochures, a periodic newsletter, audited financials, and various studies, analyses, and technical documents on Credit with Education and micro credit. A full list of publications is available upon request.

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Review Date

Wed Mar 22, 2006