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Wheelchair Sports, USA - WSUSA

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Other Contact Information

1236 Jungermann Road, Suite A
St. Peters, MO 63374

636-614-6784 (Voice)
636-246-0110 (FAX)


Wheelchair Sports, USA (WSUSA) organizes and governs wheelchair sports in the United States. Its activities are directed by the National Wheelchair Athletic Committee, which maintains rules on wheelchair athletics, records rule changes, maintains records, selects sites for national championship meets, sanctions meets, and promotes wheelchair sports. The organization believes in the positive psychological aspects of a rehabilitation program of competitive sports, and hopes that the media attention gained from sponsoring meets will serve to educate the public. WSUSA offers sports in the following: archery, athletics, shooting, swimming, table tennis, weight-lifting and fencing. WSUSA also has two team sports. They are quad rugby and basketball. Membership is available for a fee.

Print Resources

WSUSA publishes the constitution, bylaws, and rules of the organization. Serial publication: WSUSA Newsletter, quarterly--news of the organization's activities.

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Review Date

Tue Aug 26, 2008