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National Council of La Raza - IHH

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

Raul Yzaguirre Building
1126 16th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20036

202-785-1670 (Voice)
202-776-1792 (FAX)


The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization established in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination and improve life opportunities for Hispanic Americans. NCLR strives to fulfill its mission through programs in five primary areas: health; education; housing and community development; economic mobility; and media/image. NCLR has 5 regional offices and works with 277 affiliates who serve 40 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. NCLR represents the largest network of Hispanic-serving community-based organizations in the nation. NCLR's Institute for Hispanic Health (IHH) has as its vision statement "to improve the health and well-being of Hispanics." Its mission is to be dedicated to reducing the incidence, burden, and impact of health problems in the Hispanic community. The Institute works in close partnership with NCLR affiliates, government agencies, private donors, and other Hispanic-servicing organizations to deliver quality health interventions. These interventions focus on improving access to and utilization of health promotion and disease prevention programs. IHH is committed to providing technical assistance and science-based approaches that are culturally competent and linguistically appropriate.

Online Resources

Print Resources

Health education materials and guides include Breast and Cervical Cancer Among Latino Women, Latino Health Beliefs: A Guide for Health Care Professionals; The Hispanic Community and Diabetes:Uniting for Action; AIDS in the Hispanic Community; The Health Status of Hispanic Women; Diabetes Among Latinos; Hispanic Teenage Pregnancy: Overview and Implications; and Las Vacunas (vaccinations). Additionally, IHH has developed self-help and capacity-building guides such as Understanding Evaluation Techniques: The Building Blocks of Evaluation; Developing Effective Health Coalitions: The Role of Hispanic Community-Based Organizations; HIV is an STD: A Guide for Integrating HIV/STD Prevention Education; and Getting Started: Increased Hispanic Childhood Immunization. These guides serve the purpose of equipping Hispanic community-based organizations as well as mainstream organziations with understanding Latino health issues.

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Review Date

Wed Jul 2, 2008