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Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere)

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

255 Carter Hall Lane
Millwood, VA 22646

800-544-HOPE(4673) (Voice - Toll-free)
540-837-2100 (Voice)
540-837-1813 (FAX)


Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) was founded in 1958 to improve the health of and health services to medically underserved people throughout the world. Originally functioning as the world's first peacetime hospital ship, HOPE is now based in the Health Sciences Education Center in Virginia and maintains projects in 28 countries. Project HOPE always stresses long-term, systemic solutions to health care problems. Programs cover the development of health care facilities and all aspects of education for nurses, doctors, engineers and managers. Education initiatives include: health promotion, disease prevention, health care in the community, specialist hospital services, health care management and policy. The Project Hope Center for Health Affairs (CHA) was founded in 1981 to provide objective health policy research and analysis to leaders in both the public and private sectors. The Center's major research areas include: access to health care; reform of the U.S. health care system; provider payment; survey design and evaluation; long-term care; medical technology; AIDS; health care workforce issues; and international health system reform.

Print Resources

Project HOPE publishes Health Affairs, health policy journal, quarterly -- domestic and international health policy issues and managed care and several thematic issues each year devoted to topics of cutting-edge policy concern. The Foundation also publishes the HOPE News (newsletter) and an Annual Report.

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Review Date

Tue Nov 11, 2008