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National Gay and Lesbian Task Force - NGLTF

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

1700 Kalorama Road
Suite 101
Washington, DC 20009

202-332-6483 (Voice)
202-332-0207 (FAX)
202-332-6219 (Voice - TTY)


The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), formerly The National Gay Task Force (NGTF), is a gay civil rights advocacy organization. It promotes full equal rights for lesbians and gay men through public education, grassroots community organizing and political advocacy. The NGLTF has, since the beginning of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, worked actively to increase government funding for AIDS related research and prevention efforts, and continues to work to insure an adequate governmental response to the health crisis. The NGLTF is a primary source of information about issues affecting the lesbian/gay community, including: AIDS-related public policy issues, decriminalization of laws prohibiting private consensual sexual conduct, anti-gay violence, lesbian/gay families, civil rights protections for gay men and lesbians, and existing discrimination against individuals because of their sexual orientation.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The NGLTF publishes pamphlets, bibliographies, reports, support packets, and directories of resources and practical information about lesbian/gay rights. Serial publications: Task Force Report (newsletter), quarterly. Activist Alert (newsletter), monthly.

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Review Date

Thu Mar 9, 2006