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Population Connection - ZPG

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

2120 L Street, NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20037

800-767-1956 (Voice - Toll-free)
202-332-2200 (Voice)
202-332-2302 (FAX)


Population Connection (Formerly Zero Population Growth), formed in 1968, advocates achieving a sustainable balance between the Earth's people and its resources through population stabilization. Major activities include raising the population issue in the mass media; publishing educational materials; promoting legislative recognition of the consequences of population trends; recruiting and training population activists; helping develop public policy to reduce population growth; and working with teachers and the public school systems in the States to build factual population studies into curricula at all grade levels.

Print Resources

Population education materials for teachers and training materials for activists, as well as bumper stickers, posters, and print materials, are available from Population Connection. Population Connection publishes a variety of pamphlets and fact sheets on population growth and political activity designed to influence legislation. Population education resource kits are designed to acquaint teachers with materials available for use in their classes. A publications list is available on request. Serial publications: Population Connection Reporter (magazine), quarterly--population politics, research, Population Connection issues, and activities. The Kid-Friendly Cities Report is a city-by-city rating showing the impact of local population pressures on children's quality of life.

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Review Date

Mon Dec 22, 2008