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Center for Devices and Radiological Health - CDRH/FDA

Organization URL(s)  

Other Contact Information

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
1350 Piccard Drive, HFZ-210

Rockville, MD 20850

800-638-2041 (Voice - Toll-free)
301-796-7100 (Voice)


The Center for Devices and Radiological Health was formed in 1982 by the merger of the Bureaus of Medical Devices and Radiological Health. The consumer inquiry function is handled by the Communications Section in CDRH's Division of Small Manufacturers, International and Consumer Assistance. The Communications Section responds to consumer inquiries by telephone, mail, or fax by sending consumer information, and investigating the approval/clearance status of medical devices. Devices range from such products as thermometers, hearing aids, contact lenses, breast implants, condoms, medical imaging devices, hemodialysis equipment, tampons, medical x-rays, pacemakers and cancer antigens, to artificial hearts. Radiation-emitting products include laser products, microwave ovens, televisions, radar guns, night vision equipment, and electric blankets.

Online Resources

Print Resources

Breast implant publications are available on the Internet at or by contacting FDA's Office of Consumer Affairs at 1-800-532-4440.

Related Topics

Review Date

Wed Sep 10, 2008