Veterans and their Families

We protect veterans’ privacy. Requests for copies of veterans’ Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF) must be authorized by original signature of the veteran or next-of-kin. That's why these records are not available for viewing or download.
To get copies of Military Service Records (eg: DD 214):
On this site you may also:
- learn how records support veterans’ and their families’ requests for services,
- find information about America's diplomatic and military records—from the Revolutionary to the Persian Gulf War—which paint a vivid picture of heroism, inspiration and sacrifice.
Use the blue navigation bar, at left, for more links.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I get a copy of my DD Form 214, Report of Separation (or equivalent form)? Read more...
- Where can I call for help or immediate assistance? Read more...
- How can I learn about benefits for dependents and families? Read more...
- How does the National Archives protect the privacy of veterans records? Read more...
- I've heard that NPRC will be scanning my military records and destroying the original documents, and that I can have the paper file if I request it. Is that true? Read more...
- My great grandfather served in the Civil War (Revolutionary War, War of 1812, etc.) How do I obtain information concerning his military service? Read more...
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