First Annual
Federal Trade Commission
& Northwestern University

FTC Microeconomics Conference

Sponsored by
FTC Bureau of Economics;
Northwestern University Searle Center on Law,
Regulation and Economic Growth;
and Northwestern University Center
for the Study of Industrial Organization
November 6 and 7, 2008
FTC Conference Center
601 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

The Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Economics hosted a two day conference to bring together scholars working in industrial organization, information economics, game theory, quantitative marketing, consumer behavior, and other areas related to the FTC’s antitrust and consumer policy missions. Examples of topics included online advertising, information disclosure, horizontal and vertical mergers, bundling, loyalty and other discounts, dynamic oligopoly, intellectual property, and behavioral and experimental economics.

The scientific committee for the conference was:

  • Susan Athey (Harvard)
  • Patrick Bajari (Minnesota)
  • John List (Chicago)
  • Carl Shapiro (Berkeley)
  • Scott Stern (Northwestern-Kellogg)



Pre-registration for this conference is not necessary, but is encouraged so that we may better plan for the event.
To pre-register, please email your name and affiliation to

NOTE:When you pre-register, we will collect your name, affiliation, and your email address. This information will be used to estimate how many people will attend. We may use your email address to contact you with information about the conference.
Additional information will be posted as it becomes available.


Marissa Crawford
Bureau of Economics

Last Modified: Wednesday, 11-Mar-2009 14:42:00 EDT