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As your representative in Congress, I believe it is my duty to bring home federal money for critical projects in your communities.  After all, as taxpayers, it is your money.

The Democratic Congress has provided unprecedented transparency in earmarks.  Requirements adopted in 2007 make public any earmark included in an appropriations bill and disclose the name of the representative who requested it.

Additionally, in an effort to make the earmark process even more transparent, the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, along with the Majority Leader, House Appropriations Chairman and Obama Administration implemented new rules for fiscal year 2010.  First, every Member who requests funding must publish all earmarks they submit on their personal website, including a description of how the project is a good use of taxpayer money.  Second, the agencies of the executive branch will add another layer of review and there will be competitive selection of funding directed to For-Profit entities.  To read more about the new reforms, click HERE.

Projects I requested for fiscal year 2010

Federal Funding I secured in fiscal year 2009

Federal funding I secured in fiscal year 2008

Click here to Access the Questionnaires to submit funding requests through my office for fiscal year 2010.