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Workplaces seeking to broaden their substance abuse prevention efforts can consider implementing one of the many evidence-based substance abuse prevention programs that SAMHSA has recognized as effective. These programs have been carefully implemented and rigorously evaluated, and have shown consistently positive outcomes. They have met stringent standards set by the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). Technical assistance can be obtained from the program developers. Examples of NREPP model workplace programs are summarized below.

Coping With Work and Family Stress: A Workplace Preventive Intervention is a 16-session weekly group intervention that teaches employees to develop and apply effective coping strategies for dealing with stressors at work and at home. Companies provide release time so that employees can participate in the program consistently. The first component teaches methods to help eliminate or modify sources of stress. The second component teaches techniques to modify cognitive and appraisal processes that lead to or exacerbate stress. The third component emphasizes stress management and reducing the use of avoidance coping and other negative tension-reducing behaviors (e.g., use of alcohol and other drugs). In the final session, participants create personalized stress management plans to maintain the program’s beneficial effects.
According to evaluation studies of the program’s effectiveness across a wide variety of companies and employees, the program resulted in:

  • Significant reduction in work and family stressors
  • Significant increase in problem-solving and cognitive coping strategies
  • Significant reduction in the use of avoidance coping strategies
  • Significant increase in social support from supervisors and co-workers
  • Significant reduction in use of alcohol and other drugs
  • Significant reduction in depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints

To learn more about the program and obtain information on contacts and training, visit

Team Awareness is a workplace-training program that addresses behavioral risks associated with substance abuse by employees and, indirectly, employees’ families. This program has been shown to increase employee help-seeking for and supervisor responsiveness to, troubled workers, enhance the work climate, and reduce problem drinking. The program is appropriate for companies or businesses of any size.

The training consists of six modules delivered in two 4-hour sessions. (Larger companies generally require multiple training sessions.) Team Awareness is highly interactive and uses group discussion, communication exercises, a board game, role playing, and self-assessments. Modules cover policy ownership, enabling, stress management, listening skills, and peer referral.

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In 6-month follow-up analyses, when compared with a control group, employees who participated in Team Awareness were:

  • Significantly less likely to come to work under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol
  • Twice as likely to decrease problem drinking behaviors
  • Likely to double their help-seeking behavior
  • Significantly more likely to work in groups that encourage coworkers to stop a drinking or drug habit

Team Awareness achieves positive results by

  • Promoting social health
  • Encouraging increased communication between workers
  • Improving knowledge and attitudes regarding alcohol- and drug-related protective factors in the workplace (e.g., company policies, Employee Assistance Programs)
  • Increasing peer referral behaviors.

To learn more about the program and obtain information on contacts and training, visit

The Healthy Workplace Program is a set of workplace substance abuse prevention interventions designed to reduce unsafe drinking, illegal drug use, and prescription drug abuse while improving the health practices of adult workers. Cast in a health promotion framework and rooted in social-cognitive principles of behavior change, the program integrates substance abuse prevention material with popular health promotion strategies, thereby defusing the stigma that often accompanies substance abuse and removing barriers to help-seeking behavior.

Healthy Workplace consists of five interventions that are delivered in small group sessions using videos and print materials. The interventions can be used in any order and are selected based on the organization’s goals and workforce composition. Three of the interventions are relatively brief, typically requiring three to four sessions lasting 1 hour or less.

  • The Say Yes! Healthy Choices for Feeling Good intervention is a general health promotion program with substantial segments on alcohol and drug abuse.
  • The Working People: Decisions about Drinking intervention focuses on alcohol abuse prevention and is especially appropriate for a young (18 to 35 years old) blue-collar workforce
  • Make the Connection is a three-part series of video and print materials designed for insertion into workplace health promotion programs on stress management, weight management/nutrition, and fitness.
  • The Power Tools intervention is an eight-session program for young, male, blue-collar workers that combines instruction on general health issues with special sessions devoted to alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Prime Life 2000 is a multi-tiered intervention consisting of a series of small group sessions on stress management, healthy eating, and fitness. Videos and print materials are mailed to all employees, and supervisors receive training in Employee Assistance Program (EAP) utilization. All components include information on preventing alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, and prescription drug abuse.

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When compared with a control group, Healthy Workplace participants achieved:

  • A 47-percent reduction in the number of drinks consumed in the past 30 days;
  • A 67-percent reduction in the number of days of heavy drinking in the past 30 days;
  • Improved motivation to reduce drinking;
  • Reduced use of alcohol or illegal drugs to relieve stress;
  • Increased perception of the risks of alcohol and illegal drug use;
  • Improved health practices and beliefs (e.g., confidence in ability to improve health).

Healthy Workplace achieves positive results because it:

  • Reaches the mainstream of workers through the vehicle of health promotion
  • Raises awareness of the benefits of healthful practices and the hazards of using alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs, and misusing legal drugs
  • Teaches employees specific techniques for improving health and reducing use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs
  • Incorporates carefully constructed videos to increase self-efficacy and provide models for embracing healthful practices and reducing substance abuse.

To learn more about the program and obtain information on contacts and training, visit

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Wellness Outreach at Work Program.
This initiative provides comprehensive health risk-reduction services to all employees at a workplace that include health screening, intensive follow-up, and worksite health promotion. Alcohol education is integrated into the context of health-risk counseling. Wellness Outreach at Work is based on five principles: 1) reach out to all employees; 2) deliver comprehensive care that includes cardiovascular and cancer risk screening, and personalized follow-up health-coaching that includes alcohol education; 3) conduct waves of follow-up through mailings, telephone calls, and personal contacts; 4) make participation voluntary and friendly; and 5) provide long-term direct employee support and long-term support within the workplace (e.g., low-fat cafeteria food options, peer-led health promotion).

Used in more than 100 worksites, the program has reached more than 75,000 employees in organizations ranging in size from 5 to 6,000 employees including blue collar and white collar workforces. Significant results for participating employees include:

  • Improved nutrition
  • Reduction in alcohol consumption
  • Maintained weight loss (for obese participants)
  • Improvement in blood pressure control
  • Decrease in other cardiovascular disease risks
  • Increased personal exercise
  • Successful stress management
  • Improved relations with co-workers
  • Heightened sense of well-being

Companies using the program have reported: decreased absenteeism, improved employee morale, heightened productivity, and decreased use of disease care services.
To learn more about the program and obtain information on contacts and training, visit

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