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National Institutes of Health

Genomics Research Branch


The Genomics Research Branch plans, supports, and administers programs of research including the identification, localization, and function of genes and other genomic elements that produce susceptibility to mental disorders. Research projects use genetic epidemiological methods, population based sampling, longitudinal cohort and extended family study designs, and genomic approaches to identify genetic, biological and environmental risk factors and biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, drug efficacy and pharmacogenomics of mental disorders. The Branch also supports the creation and distribution of research resources, including the development of novel statistical and bioinformatics tools and the NIMH Human Genetics Initiative, a repository of DNA extracted from blood and immortalized cell lines and associated clinical information for use in genetic studies of mental disorders.

Branch Chief

Thomas Lehner, Ph.D., M.P.H
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7190, MSC 9643

Areas of Emphasis

See specific program descriptions.