SSM/I Pathfinder Web Site

We have finally completed our SSM/I Pathfinder Web Site. You can now click on any day for the last ten years (starting with F08, July 9, 1987) and simultaneously see global images of wind, vapor, cloud, and rain (either local morning or evening). Any of these images can be quickly downloaded as byte maps for data analysis. Our most recent data are usually yesterday's observations. Each day, we are uploading images and byte maps for four SSM/Is: F10, F11, F13, and F14. Come see us at, and let us know what improvements we could make. Note that the same algorithm (both Level 1 and Level 2) was used to process all 10 years. Also all 5 SSMIs (8,10,11,13,14) were first intercalibrated.

Frank Wentz
Remote Sensing Systems
1101 College Avenue, Suite 220
Santa Rosa, CA 95404 USA
Phone: (707) 545-2904; Fax: (707) 545-2906