Homeright arrowAbout NHGRIright arrowAbout the Office of the Director right arrowOffice of Administrative Management
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Office of Administrative Management

The Office of Administrative Management (OAM) is the administrative core of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), serving in the areas of financial management, administrative services and information technology. Human Resources (HR) management is provided through National Insitutes of Health (NIH) HR support teams.


NIH Administrative Services

Executive Officer

Janis Mullaney, B.S., M.B.A.
E-mail: mullaneyj@mail.nih.gov

Management Analyst

Gloria Butler
E-mail: gloriab@mail.nih.gov


National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive
Building 31, Room B1B55
Bethesda, MD 20892-2070

Phone: (301) 402-1094
Fax: (301) 480-5008

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Last Reviewed: August 17, 2009