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Conservation Genetics: Mammals

This web page presents samples of genetics and genomics research from the USGS Biological Resources Discipline about the conservation genetics of mammals.

  • Underwater view of a manatee in Crystal River, Florida

Viral Tracking of Wildlife Corridors across the Rocky Mountains

Researchers at the USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) and their collaborators at Penn State University are using viral genetics to estimate contact patterns of mule deer and elk across several states in the Rocky Mountain region. By linking their sampling efforts with chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveys in Montana, Wyoming, More...

  • Feeding time at an elk feedground in Wyoming - March 2008. Photo credit: Vicki Patrek, USGS

A double-observer method for reducing bias in faecal pellet surveys of forest ungulates

Dense vegetation, rough terrain, and other variables may make it difficult to monitor forest-dwelling mammals. When direct counting is not practical, researchers in forested regions often rely on surveys of scat (animal waste) to study the abundance and distribution of the large animals. Biases, such as using different observers, may limit the More...

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Bighorn Sheep in Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park

Overview of a study of Bighorn sheep habitat use and demographics in the Many Glacier area of Glacier National Park. Study will document seasonal ranges and migration routes and evaluate habitat use and selection. Habitat use will be modeled, and those models will be extrapolated across the Park to predict occurrences of critical habitats and More...

  • Bighorn sheep

Assess Demographic and Physiological Status of Columbian Black-tailed Deer in Olympic National Park

Biologists and managers on Washington's Olympic Peninsula, as throughout western Washington, are concerned about increased observations over the last several years of emaciated deer with symptoms of excessive hair-loss. This Web page describes a study to evaluate modern pellet-group survey methods, estimate abundance of deer and elk, identify More...

  • Deer in wild