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Press Release Images
View the image 'Oblique View of Victoria Crater' Oblique View of Victoria Crater - 08/12/2009
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View the image 'Sand Dunes and Ripples in Proctor Crater, Mars' Branched Features on the Floor of Antoniadni Crater - 05/06/2009
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View the image 'Starburst Spider' Starburst Spider - 03/25/2009
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University of Arizona Press Release
View the image 'Sand Dunes and Ripples in Proctor Crater, Mars' Sand Dunes and Ripples in Proctor Crater, Mars - 03/17/2009
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View the image 'Martian Moon Deimos in High Resolution' Martian Moon Deimos in High Resolution - 03/09/2009
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View the image 'First Observation of Columnar Jointing on Mars' Context of Carbonate Rocks in Heavily Eroded Martian Terrain - 02/25/2009
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Related U.S. Geological Survey Release
View the image 'Martian Weather Activity on Short Timescales' Martian Weather Activity on Short Timescales - 02/23/2009
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View the image 'A Martian Valentine for 2009' A Martian Valentine for 2009 - 02/13/2009
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View the image 'Elysium Planitia, Mars -- Fractured Mounds in Stereo' Context of Carbonate Rocks in Heavily Eroded Martian Terrain - 12/18/2008
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View the image 'Elysium Planitia, Mars -- Fractured Mounds in Stereo' Elysium Planitia, Mars -- Fractured Mounds in Stereo - 12/08/2008
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View the image 'Periodic Layering in Martian Sedimentary Rocks' Periodic Layering in Martian Sedimentary Rocks - 12/04/2008
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View the image 'A Gem of a Find' A Gem of a Find - 10/28/2008
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View the image Unusual Mound in North Polar Layered Deposits Unusual Mound in North Polar Layered Deposits - 10/15/2008
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This image shows rugged highland material in an area near the Martian equator Growing Library of Mars Spectrometer Images - 09/19/2008
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Ius Chasma's Floor Ius Chasma's Floor - 09/18/2008
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This map showing the location of some clay minerals in of a portion of the Mawrth Vallis region of Mars covers an area about 10 kilometers (6.2 mile) wide. The map is draped over a topographical model that exaggerates the vertical dimension tenfold. Inverted Channels North of Valles Marineris - 09/18/2008
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This map showing the location of some clay minerals in of a portion of the Mawrth Vallis region of Mars covers an area about 10 kilometers (6.2 mile) wide. The map is draped over a topographical model that exaggerates the vertical dimension tenfold. Clay Minerals in Mawrth Vallis Region of Mars - 08/07/2008
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This map shows the thickness of the north polar layered deposits on Mars as measured by the Shallow Radar instrument on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. How Thick is the North Polar Ice Cap on Mars? - 05/15/2008
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This image shows Phobos, Mars largest Moon Images of Phobos - 04/09/2008
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This image shows Chloride Salt Deposit in Southern Highlands of Mars Chloride Salt Deposit in Southern Highlands of Mars - 03/20/2008
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Caught in Action: Avalanches on North Polar Scarps Caught in Action: Avalanches on North Polar Scarps - 03/03/2008
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Earth and Moon as Seen from Mars Earth and Moon as Seen from Mars - 03/03/2008
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Dust-Devil Tracks in Southern Schiaparelli Basin Dust-Devil Tracks in Southern Schiaparelli Basin - 01/23/2008
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Crater Southwest of Herschel Crater with Dune Field Crater Southwest of Herschel Crater with Dune Field - 01/23/2008
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Bright Streaks and Dark Fans Mars Orbiter Examines 'Lace' and 'Lizard Skin' Terrain - 12/11/2007
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This color image shows two nearly vertical swaths of wavy, white, ice-covered dunes bearing horizontal dark streaks and round dark spots. Between the dunes is a smooth, reddish-pink, rippled surface. Frosty Martian Dunes Entice Earthbound Observers - 12/03/2007
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New Views of Martain Moons New Views of Martain Moons - 11/27/2007
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Spectrometer on NASA Orbiter Maps Minerals at Possible Landing Sites Spectrometer on NASA Orbiter Maps Minerals at Possible Landing Sites - 10/19/2007
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Color Image of Nili Fossae Trough, a Candidate MSL Landing Site Lava 'Leaps Out' in 3-D! - 10/18/2007
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Color Image of Nili Fossae Trough, a Candidate MSL Landing Site Color Image of Nili Fossae Trough, a Candidate MSL Landing Site - 10/10/2007
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Mars Instrument Checks Recent Gully Deposit Mars Instrument Checks Recent Gully Deposit - 09/24/2007
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False-color image of gully channels in a crater in the southern highlands of Mars. Gullies with Characteristics of Water-Carved Channels - 09/20/2007
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this image shows dark pit seen on Mars Dark Pit on Mars' Arsia Mons, with Sunlit Wall - 08/29/2007
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This is a set of two images, with the .before. image on top and the .after. image on the bottom.  The pair is meant to highlight how rolling the spacecraft will allow scientists a clearer view of more layering at Mars. poles.  The background of the image shows an eye chart like the ones used by eye doctors to test vision.  Both radar images are black and white.  The top image shows a vague, white radar reading that represents rock layering.  The bottom image is much stronger, showing multiple rock layers. Rockin' Radar Rolls - 08/29/2007
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This is a group of images.  The image on the left is the largest of the three and is a black and white image of a large crater on Mars.  In the right, center of this image is a small black box representing the area that is detailed in the two smaller images on the right. The two images to the right of the black and white image are the same size and they both represent the same area.  In the tope image, the dunes represented appear blue and orange.  In the bottom image, the dunes appear almost entirely orange-colored, with only hints of blue. Overlooking Opportunity - 06/28/2007
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This is a group of images.  The image on the left is the largest of the three and is a black and white image of a large crater on Mars.  In the right, center of this image is a small black box representing the area that is detailed in the two smaller images on the right. The two images to the right of the black and white image are the same size and they both represent the same area.  In the tope image, the dunes represented appear blue and orange.  In the bottom image, the dunes appear almost entirely orange-colored, with only hints of blue. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Making Quick Work of its Science Goals - 05/17/2007
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This black-and-white orbital image shows elongate, teardrop-shaped layers of rock stacked atop each other and viewed from above. To the left and right, the layers drop off as sharp cliffs to sandier surfaces below. Rock Layers Exposed by Wind - 05/04/2007
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This CRISM image is Olivine in the Southern Isidis Basin Olivine in the Southern Isidis Basin - 02/23/2007
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Dune Field in Nili Pateria Dune Field in Nili Pateria - 02/21/2007
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This CRISM image is a combination of two images of the same area on Mars.  When the upper left image was taken there were clouds and haze which makes it more difficult to see the surface.  It was clear when the second, lower right, image was taken which enables surface features, such as the small crater in the upper left to be clearly seen. A Change in the Weather - 02/16/2007
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In this image, many small ridges are evident next to the smoother, eroded neighboring areas.  The eroded areas are characterized by lightly colored, almost whitish rock.  The ridge-like areas are a darker brown color. NASA Mars Orbiter Sees Effects of Ancient Underground Fluids - 02/15/2007
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This image is a close-up of the area in the vicinity of the Pathfinder landing site. MRO Pinpoints Pathfinder - 01/11/2007
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This false-color subframe of an image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows the north polar layered deposits at top and darker materials at bottom, exposed in a scarp at the head of Chasma Boreale, a large canyon eroded into the layered deposits. NASA Spacecraft Read Layered Clues to Changes on Mars - 12/13/2006
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This image is a high resolution image of  'Victoria Crater' taken by MRO. Stereo View of Victoria Crater - 12/04/2006
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This image high resolution images taken by MRO shows the Viking 1 landing site. Viking Lander 1 (Thomas A. Mutch Memorial Station) Imaged from Orbit - 12/04/2006
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This high resolution image taken by MRO shows the Viking 2 landing site. Viking Lander 2 (Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Station) Imaged from Orbit - 12/04/2006
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This image is three images taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter imaged Opportunity on Oct. 3, Nov. 4 and Nov. 30, 2006. Three-Frame 'Movie' of Opportunity Rover at 'Victoria Crater' - 12/04/2006
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This image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbtier shows the landing site of the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. Mars Exploration Rover Landing Site at Gusev Crater - 12/04/2006
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This image shows 'Eagle crater', the small martian impact crater where Opportunity's airbag-cushioned lander came to rest. New Images From Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - 11/29/2006
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images from the press release 'NASA Orbiter Reveals New Details Of Mars, Young And Old' NASA Orbiter Reveals New Details Of Mars, Young And Old - 10/16/2006
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Images from the press release 'NASA'S Mars Rover and Orbiter Team Examines Victoria Crater' NASA'S Mars Rover and Orbiter Team Examines Victoria Crater - 10/06/2006
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