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Study Description

Survey and Monitoring of Western Pond Turtles

Status: Completed

Statement of Problem:
The western pond turtle (Clemmys marmorata) is a species on the critical list in Oregon and of widespread concern because many populations appear to be declining. The species was proposed for Federal listing in 1993 but not recommended at that time. This turtle has high visibility and is of particular interest to agencies and the public.

Field surveys are needed to field test a sampling protocol for the species. Traditional survey emphasis has been on turtles in streams and rivers in southern Oregon, but further work is needed in ponds and lakes.

An interagency "Western Pond Turtle Group" was formed, and is preparing a handbook on the species for conservation and management purposes.

This project will involve the necessary field tests. It also will include sampling of selected populations to determine key life-history features (e.g., age and size structure, growth rates).

Related Publications:

Bury, R., Germano, D.J., 2008, Actinemys marmorata (Baird and Girard, 1852)- Western pond turtle, Pacific pond turtle In Rhodin, A., Pritchard, P., van Dijk, P., Buhlmann, K., Saumure, R.A., Iverson, J.B., eds., Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises- A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group: Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, Lunenburg, MA, Chelonian Research Foundation, p. 9. [Highlight]  [FullText] Catalog No: 2031
Bury, R., Germano, D.J., Van Devender, T.R., Martin, B.E., 2002, The desert tortoise in Mexico; distribution, ecology and conservation In Van Devender, T.R., ed., The Sonoran Desert tortoise- Natural history, biology, and conservation: Tucson, AZ, University of Arizona Press, p. 86-108. [FullText] Catalog No: 1161
Germano, D.J., Bury, R., 2001, Western pond turtles (Clemmys marmorata) in the Central Valley of California- status and population structure: Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society, v. 37, p. 22-36. [FullText] Catalog No: 1089
Bury, R., Germano, D.J., 1998, Annual deposition of scute rings in the western pond turtle, Clemmys marmorata: Chelonian Conservation and Biology, v. 3, no. 1, p. 108-109. [FullText] Catalog No: 564
Germano, D.J., Bury, R., 1998, Age determination in turtles- Evidence of annual deposition of scute rings: Chelonian Conservation and Biology, v. 3, no. 1, p. 123-132. [FullText] Catalog No: 565

Bury, Richard B. - Research Zoologist
Phone: 541-750-1010
Email: buryb@usgs.gov

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