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Press Releases

For Immediate Release:
June 12, 2007
Contact: Austin Durrer

GAO to Study Tuition Reimbursement Program for Lege Branch Staff


Washington, D.C., June 12th – Congressman Jim Moran, Virginia Democrat, successfully included an amendment to the FY’08 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill requiring the General Accountability Office (GAO) to study the feasibility of establishing a tuition reimbursement program for legislative branch staff going to school on a part time basis.  The amendment was approved on a voice vote.

“The Executive Branch and Capitol Police currently have access to both a loan repayment and tuition reimbursement program,” said Moran.  “It’s a benefit that helps recruit and retain a highly educated workforce.  Many hill staffers are in pursuit of a graduate degree at night while assisting Congress during the day.  Providing educational benefits enticing them to stick around longer strengthens Congress’ institutional knowledge and helps raise the debate beyond politics to policy.

“Under statute, even vendors contracting with the federal government can receive government provided tuition reimbursement.  At the very least, legislative branch employees deserve federal benefits equal those we provide to the private sector.”   

5 USC, section 4107 allows federal agencies to pay or reimburse employees for the cost of academic degree training.  No such benefit exists for legislative branch employees.

Under the Moran tuition reimbursement amendment, the GAO would be required to complete a review of the executive branch tuition reimbursement programs and submit the report to Congress no later than six months after the bill is signed into law.

Having passed in committee, the FY’08 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill is expected to be considered on the House floor next week for a vote.

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