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About Frank

Read the Senator's Biography

"Only in America" has a special meaning for Senator Lautenberg: he began as the son of poor but hard-working immigrant parents but, following their example, rolled up his sleeves and pursued the American Dream.

See Where He Stands On The Issues

From getting the economy back on track to expanding transportation options for commuters and keeping health care affordable for families, Sen. Lautenberg is hard at work.

Learn About His Committees

Senator Lautenberg serves on three Senate committees: Appropriations; Commerce, Science and Transportation; and Environment and Public Works. He also serves as chairman of two Senate committees, one on the Commerce Committee and the second on Environment and Public Works.

Read Through His Accomplishments

The Senator has fought to save health insurance for thousands of children, reimburse military families who bought body armor for their loved ones serving in Iraq, modernize the G.I. Bill, strengthen Amtrak, increase security along our railroads and at our ports and chemical plants, reverse global warming, provide justice for victims of terrorism, make college more affordable, turn federal buildings “green” and protect our beaches and oceans.