U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
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Get the Facts on Energy & Gas Prices

This page is dedicated to promoting the effort to bring back affordable energy prices and energy security. Below are some of Senator Inhofe’s solutions to help ease the burden of high energy prices on the average American family. Check back for updates. 

Inhofe/Boren Introduce Bi-Partisan “Marginal Well Production Preservation and Enhancement Act”

 Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, introduced with Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK), the Marginal Well Production Preservation and Enhancement Act.  This bipartisan and bicameral bill ensures that the nation’s policies recognize and reflect the economic importance of marginal well production. The average marginal well produces less than 2.2 barrels of oil per day. 

Click Here for Press Release

Click Here for S. 3395 Bill Text


Inhofe Introduces Drive America on Natural Gas Act

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee,  introduced the Drive America on Natural Gas Act to promote the use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) vehicles on July 17, 2008.  Inhofe also introduced the American Affordable Fuels Act to relieve pain at the pump.

Click here to Get the Facts on Natural Gas as Transportation Fuel

Click here for Press Release

Click here for text of the Drive America on Natural Gas Act S. 3281

Click here for text of the American Affordable Fuels Act S.3280 



EPW Committee Holds Hearing on Ethanol and Renewable Fuels 

The Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety held a June 10, 2008, hearing on implementing the renewable fuel standard

For Full Hearing Details Click Here

For a webcast of the Hearing Click Here (Real Player Required)

For pictures from the Hearing Click Here

To read Sentor Inhofe's Statement Click Here


Get the FactsDemocrats' Energy Bill Does Nothing to Affect Gas Prices



The Wall Street Journal- Republicans Are Skeptical Of Pelosi's Offshore Drilling Proposal - August 18, 2008 Excerpt: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's proposal Saturday to make expanded offshore drilling part of a new Democratic energy bill got a skeptical reaction from Republicans, who said they suspect it will contain other provisions unacceptable to the minority.

The New York Times- House to Rethink Drilling, Pelosi Says – August 17, 2008 Excerpt: Dropping her opposition to a vote on coastal oil exploration, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Saturday that the House would consider expanded offshore drilling as part of broad energy legislation when Congress returns next month. In the weekly Democratic radio address, Ms. Pelosi criticized Republicans as focusing too narrowly on offshore drilling as a solution to high gasoline prices, but said she would bow to demands that the House revisit a drilling ban that has been imposed annually since the 1980s.

Investor’s Business Daily- Palin's Gas Pipeline Isn't Hot Air- August 18, 2008 Excerpt: On Aug. 1, the same day the call for a vote on drilling began on the House floor, the Alaska state Senate approved a package of measures to license a new natural gas pipeline. House Bill 3001 lets Palin award the Alaska Gasoline Inducement Act license to TransCanada Alaska, a pipeline builder that cast a winning bid of five.

The Wall Street Journal- The Chambliss Shimmy- August 16, 2008 Excerpt: Congratulations to the Gang of 10. No, not that "bipartisan" group of U.S. Senators who recently garnered headlines with their misguided energy "compromise." We refer instead to 10 GOP Senators who are proving good policy is good politics by pushing for more drilling in the Arctic.

For More News See These Links:

News Round Up August 18, 2008 

News Round Up August 6, 2008

News Round Up July 29, 2008

News Round Up July 21, 2008

News Round Up July 10, 2008

News Round Up June 26, 2008

News Round Up June 20, 2008



EPW Press Releases & Blogs on Energy and Gas Prices:

Inhofe Statement on EPA's Denial of Texas' Request for Ethanol Waiver –August 7, 2008 Excerpt: "In the face of mounting questions and growing concern surrounding the corn-based ethanol mandates, today’s decision is a disappointment," Senator Inhofe said. "In my home state of Oklahoma, the ethanol mandates are undoubtedly causing severe economic hardships for many cattlemen, pork producers, poultry producers and consumers." Read More…


Inhofe/Boren Introduce Bi-Partisan “Marginal Well Production Preservation and Enhancement Act” – July 31, 2008 Excerpt: Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, today introduced with Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK), the Marginal Well Production Preservation and Enhancement Act.  This bipartisan and bicameral bill ensures that the nation’s policies recognize and reflect the economic importance of marginal well production. The average marginal well produces less than 2.2 barrels of oil per day. Read More…


 THE HILL BLOG: Inhofe: “Time to End Democratic Party's Obstruction”- July 24, 2008 Excerpt: America is not running out of oil and gas, or running out of places to look for oil and gas.  America is running out of places where the Democratic Congress will allow us to look for oil and gas. Producing America's own resources should not be a partisan issue. The Democrats’ refusal to increase our supply of energy keeps prices on the rise.  Read More…

Democrats Turn Out the Lights - July 23, 2008  Read More...

Inhofe Welcomes Senate Debate on Bringing Down Gas Prices - July 22, 2008  Read More...

Inhofe Praises Bush for Lifting Executive Order on Offshore Resources - July 14, 2008 Read More...   

Inhofe Says EPA’s Climate Announcement is a 'Nightmare Scenario'- July 11, 2008   Read More...

Inhofe Praises Pickens' Call for Increasing Use of Natural Gas, Wind Power - July 9, 2008  Read More...

Inhofe Statement on Senate GOP Energy Plan - June 26, 2008    Read More...

Gas/Energy Talking Points – June 18, 2008   

Democratic Votes Blocking Increasing Domestic Energy Production  - May 29, 2008    Read More...  

Inhofe Applauds President’s Solutions to Bring Down Gas Prices – June 18, 2008    Read More...


Inhofe Speeches on Gas Prices : 

Inhofe Floor Speech on Democrats' Obstruction July 22, 2008

Inhofe Floor Speech on Energy June 11, 2008 pt 1

Inhofe Floor Speech on Energy June 11, 2008 pt 2

Biofuels Difficulties, Senator Inhofe, Floor Speech, April 29, 2008   


Op/Eds :

"Snake Oil" from the Washington Post August 12, 2008

Timely death: Climate Bill's demise opens next energy debate - The Oklahoman Editorial  - June 18, 2008    

Natural gas production essential to Oklahoma and the country , Senator Inhofe, The Journal RecordJuly 8, 2008

Alliance Gears up Against Ethanol, By Jeanne Cummings, Politico, June 16, 2008

Dems running on Empty, Senator Inhofe, Human Events, May 16, 2008                           

America’s Carbon Policy, Senate Inhofe, Tulsa World, May 15, 2008

SELECTED ENERGY VOTES 2003 to Present – Republican vs. Democrat Breakdown as of June 17, 2008

For additional information click here:
For charts on these votes click here and here:

ANWR Votes

10/27/95 – The Senate voted on a bill to implement a competitive leasing program for oil and gas exploration, development and production within the coastal plain of ANWR.  The bill passed 52-47.  Of that, 52 Republicans voted for and 46 Democrats voted against.  

11/17/95 – The Senate voted on a motion to adopt a conference report on a bill to implement a competitive leasing program for oil and gas exploration, development and production within the coastal plain of ANWR.  The motion passed 52-47.  Of that, 52 Republicans voted for and 46 Democrats voted against. 

12/6/95 – President Clinton vetoed the Balanced Budget Act which included a provision to open ANWR. 

4/6/00 – The Senate voted on a motion to table an amendment to the budget resolution to remove funding from the 2001 Budget Resolution to expand exploration in ANWR. The tabling motion passed 51-49. Of that, 43 Republicans voted to table and 41 Democrats voted against tabling. 

4/18/02 – The Senate voted on a cloture motion on an amendment to expand exploration in ANWR. The cloture motion failed 46-54. Of that, 41 Republicans voted for and 46 Democrats voted against. 

3/19/03 – The Senate voted on an amendment to prevent consideration of drilling in ANWR during a fast-track budget reconciliation.  The amendment passed 52-48.  Of that, 42 Republicans voted against and 43 Democrats voted for.  

3/16/05 – The Senate voted on an amendment to strike language to expand exploration in ANWR.  The amendment failed 49-51.  Of that, 48 Republicans voted against and 41 Democrats voted for.  

11/3/05 – The Senate voted on an amendment to strike language establishing an oil and gas leasing program for ANWR.  The amendment failed 48-51.  Of that, 48 Republicans voted against and 41 Democrats voted for.  

3/16/06 - The Senate voted on an amendment to increase energy spending by drilling in ANWR. The amendment passed 51-49. Of that, 48 Republicans voted for and 41 Democrats voted against. 

Offshore Drilling & Other Energy Votes

3/13/08 – The Senate voted on a motion to create a point of order against bills that would raise gasoline prices.  The motion failed 39-59.  Of that, 37 Republicans voted for and 59 voted against.  

3/13/08 – The Senate voted on an amendment to encourage development of oil and gas resources beneath the Outer Continental Shelf and the development of oil shale resources on public lands.  The amendment failed 47-51.  Of that, 43 Republicans voted for and 44 Democrats voted against.  

5/13/08 – The Senate voted on an amendment to allow states to authorize drilling in offshore coastal waters currently subject to a federal moratorium.  The amendment was rejected 42-56.  Of that, 41 Republicans voted for and 48 Democrats voted against.   

5/15/08 – The Senate voted on a motion to fund increased energy exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf should the average price of regular gas in the U.S. reach $5 per gallon.   The motion was rejected 44-51.  Of that, 41 Republicans voted for and 44 Democrats voted against. 

6/13/07 – The Senate voted on the GAS PRICE ACT, as an amendment, to encourage increased domestic refinery capacity.  The amendment failed 43-52.  Of that, 43 Republicans voted for and 52 Democrats voted against.   

6/14/07 – The Senate voted on an amendment to drill for oil off the Virginia coast.  The amendment failed 43-44.  Of that, 37 Republicans voted for and 37 Democrats voted against. 

6/19/07 – The Senate voted on an amendment to increase the production of coal-to-liquid fuel.  The amendment failed 39-55.  Of that, 39 Republicans voted for and 47 Democrats voted against.  

6/19/07 – The Senate voted on an amendment to provide for the expansion of liquefied natural gas terminals.  The amendment failed 37-56.  Of that, 37 Republicans voted for and 56 Democrats voted against.  

6/20/07 – The Senate voted on a motion to create a point of order against bills that would raise gasoline prices.  The motion failed 37-55.  Of that, 36 Republicans voted for and 44 Democrats voted against.  

6/21/07 – The Senate voted on a motion to delay energy tax increases until the Energy secretary can certify that they would not cause increases in the price of gasoline.  The motion failed 38-55.  Of that, 37 Republicans voted for and 46 Democrat voted against.  

12/7/07 – The Senate voted on a cloture motion to consider the Housed-passed comprehensive energy bill containing $21 billion in tax increases - including $13.5 billion on oil and gas firms.  The motion failed 53-42.  Of that 39 Republicans voted against and 47 Democrats voted for.  

8/1/06 – The Senate voted on a bill that would open more than 8.3 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas leasing.  The bill passed 71-25.  24 Democrats and 1 Republican opposed the measure. 

11/17/05 – The Senate voted on a motion to impose a temporary windfall profit tax on crude oil and to use the proceeds to provide taxpayers with a $100 tax credit for every person in a their household.  The motion failed 33-65.  Of that, 54 Republicans voted against and 33 Democrats voted for.  

11/17/05 – The Senate voted on a motion to impose a temporary windfall profit tax on crude oil and to use the proceeds to fund LIHEAP.  The motion failed 50-48.  Of that, 45 Republicans voted against and 41Democrats voted for. 

11/17/05 – The Senate voted on a motion to impose a temporary windfall profit tax on crude oil  sold above $40 per barrel and to use the proceeds to provide tax rebates to consumers.  The motion failed 35-64.  Of that, 55 Republicans voted against and 35 Democrats voted for.  

11/17/05 – The Senate voted on a motion to prohibit expensing of intangible drilling costs for integrated oil companies – raising taxes by $2.4 billion.  The motion failed 48-51.  Of that, 48 Republicans voted against and 36 Democrats voted for.  

4/29/04 – The Senate voted on a motion to invoke cloture on an amendment to increase domestic oil production.  The motion to invoke cloture failed 55-43.  Of that, 39 Republicans voted for and 31 Democrats voted against. 

6/12/03 – The Senate voted on an amendment to prevent off shore drilling.  The amendment failed 45-53.  Of that, 41 Republicans voted against and 36 Democrats voted for.


We need to:

Increase Domestic Refining Capacity:   Any comprehensive legislation to bring down the price of gas at the pump must address domestic refining capacity. Continued ... 

Increase Domestic Energy Exploration: Increasing domestic energy exploration and production is essential. Currently, oil and gas exploration and production is prohibited on 85 percent of America's offshore waters.  Continued...

Reconsider the Ethanol Mandate: Senator Inhofe urged the President and Congress to take swift and meaningful action to help mitigate the damaging impact of our nation's irresponsible biofuels mandate. Several Senators on both sides of the aisle have now spoken out on the need to find ways to address this problem. Continued...

Repeal of Section 526: Senator Inhofe authored legislation to repeal Section 526 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which prohibits federal agencies from contracting to procure nonconventional, or alternative, fuels that emit higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions than conventional petroleum sources. Continued...

Related Records:

Recent Press Releases*

July 2009

June 2009

*Currently displaying the latest 5 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.

Recent Facts of the Day*

April 2009

September 2008

August 2008

July 2008

*Currently displaying the latest 5 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.

Recent Speeches*

May 2009

*Currently displaying the latest 5 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.

Recent Blogs*

July 2009

June 2009

*Currently displaying the latest 5 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.

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