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Conservation Genetics Lab

The Conservation Genetics Lab carries out molecular analysis, pedigree analysis, modeling, data management, and cryogenic sample repository. As a part of this research, the lab investigates the effectiveness of molecular markers used to enhance enforcement of the Endangered Species Act policy. During the past 15 years, this research has involved More...

  • image of a frog (anura)

Conservation Genetics of Shorebirds: Identification of Conservation Units, Genetic Diversity, and Population: Specific Markers for North American Shorebird Species of Concern

Conservation Genetics of Shorebirds uses molecular techniques to describe genetic structure and diversity in North American shorebirds (order: Charadriiformes) to facilitate population maintenance and recovery of these migratory birds.

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Conservation Genetics: Birds

This web page offers samples of genetics and genomics research from the USGS Biological Resources Discipline about the conservation genetics of birds.

  • Broad-tailed Hummingbird female (Selasphorus platycerus)

Molecular Population Genetic Structure in the Piping Plover

The Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) is a migratory shorebird currently listed as Endangered in Canada and the U.S. Great Lakes, and threatened throughout the remainder of its U.S. breeding and winter range. In this study, scientists undertook the first comprehensive molecular genetic-based investigation of Piping Plovers. The primary goals were More...

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Conservation Genetics of Shorebirds: Identification of Conservation Units, Genetic Diversity, and Population-Specific Markers for North American Shorebird Species of Concern

Conservation Genetics of Shorebirds uses molecular techniques to describe genetic structure and diversity in North American shorebirds (order: Charadriiformes) to facilitate population maintenance and recovery of these migratory birds.

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