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Visual AIDS Web Gallery

Visit the Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view this month's collection of art by HIV-positive artists!

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Free Treatment Education Booklets! HIV & Me: A Woman's Guide to Living With HIV

Check out's easy-to-understand, full-color booklets about HIV. Perfect for HIV organizations and clinics!

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 Browse Booklet on Women and HIV

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Word on the Street
President Barack ObamaAdvice for President Obama From HIV Advocates

Sheryl Lee RalphLearn Your Sexual Footprint!
"It's not going to take just the government alone. It's going to take people. It's going to take charitable organizations. It's going to take foundations. It's going to take institutions. It's going to take corporate people to get involved solidly on this disease." Read more

-- Sheryl Lee Ralph, Actor, Performer, Longtime HIV/AIDS Activist

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Take the Poll

What is the primary reason that having HIV is so stigmatized in the African-American community?
association with sex
association with drug use
having any sexually transmitted disease is stigmatized
it implies you failed to protect yourself
none of these

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Bristol-Myers Squibb  GlaxoSmithKline  Gilead
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