Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey

Press Release

Contact: Audrey Jones (202) 225-4465

Congressman Garrett Comments on His Continued Effort to Urge EPA to Post Warnings for Hunters and Residents

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Washington, Nov 30, 2006 -  Today, Congressman Scott Garrett commented on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) testing of animal and plantlife near the Ringwood Mines Superfund Site. The sampling, which is currently underway, was a recommendation of the Public Health Assessment baseline report issued by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to examine the health effects of the Ringwood Superfund site on local residents. Congressman Garrett sent a letter to the EPA last week, following the EPA’s statement that wildlife in the region had tested positive for high levels of lead, urging them to post warnings of their findings for local hunters.

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Text of Statement:

“I am pleased that the EPA has decided to include deer in their biota sampling at the Ringwood Superfund site, as I have urged since August. I will continue to urge them to post warnings for hunters and other area residents that the local game may be contaminated and holds the potential for dangerous health consequences. The health and safety of the local residents and those who frequent this area during hunting season must be paramount, and I will continue to carefully monitor the work done by the EPA and other Federal and state agencies involved in this project.”


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