Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey

Press Release

Contact: Audrey Jones (202) 225-4465

Garrett Co-Introduces Resolution to Honor Life of Milton Friedman, Champion of Liberty

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Washington, Dec 6, 2006 -  Today, Congressman Scott Garrett co-introduced a resolution to honor the life of an American economist who became one of the world’s most influential thinkers and foremost champions of liberty: Milton Friedman.

“Millions all over the world have benefited from this dedicated man’s work. I am pleased to introduce this bill with my colleague, Cliff Stearns of Florida, honoring a noble life,” said Garrett. “I will continue to work to further the effort he began: expanding people’s liberty and improving their opportunities to live out their dreams for a better life.”

Milton Friedman lived from July 31, 1912 until November 16, 2006. He earned his Bachelor of Arts from Congressman Garrett’s law school alma mater: Rutgers University. In 1976, Friedman was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in economics. His ideas were the model for the free market reforms that spread over Eastern Europe to hasten the fall of communism and the expansion of personal freedoms.


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