Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey

Press Release

Contact: Audrey Jones (202) 225-4465

Congressman Garrett Urges Senate to Confirm John Bolton as UN Ambassador

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Washington, Dec 1, 2006 -  Today, Congressman Scott Garrett sent the following letter to Senators Richard Lugar and Joseph Biden, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, urging the consideration and confirmation of John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (UN).

Garrett pointed to John Bolton’s aggressive advocacy for much-needed reform at the United Nations and strong support of one of America’s greatest allies, Israel. For instance, Ambassador Bolton voted on November 17th against a United Nations General Assembly resolution which condemned Israel for defending itself in the Gaza Strip against the terrorist rocket launches into Israel. Garrett has applauded Bolton for standing as a powerful force against biased and politically-motivated resolutions. Additionally, with corruption and mismanagement rampant throughout the UN, as evidenced by the recent “Oil-for-Food” scandal, Congressman Garrett has cited the need for a strong voice for reform to represent our country to the world body.

Congressman Garrett’s letter is as follows:

“Dear Chairman Lugar and Senator Biden:

We are writing to urge you to give the Senate the opportunity to vote on confirmation of John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. At a time when our nation faces threats and serious challenges abroad in Darfur, North Korea, and, of course, the Middle East, John Bolton has proven himself to be a steady and assertive voice on behalf of U.S. interests.

Despite concerns about his blunt style making him the proverbial bull in the UN china shop, John Bolton has proven himself to be an effective diplomat. Since his appointment in August 2005, he has ushered several U.S.-sponsored resolutions through the UN Security Council, including sanctions on North Korea for its foray into nuclear weaponry.

John Bolton has been an aggressive advocate for much-needed reform at the United Nations. American taxpayers send millions of their tax dollars to the United Nations each year, yet that body has been embroiled in scandal after scandal. We should demand serious reform in the management of the United Nations. John Bolton has been unyielding in his demand that reform be substantial, not superficial and that it be prompt, but thorough.

Finally, John Bolton has been a staunch supporter of America’s strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel. In fact, just this month, he first vetoed an unbalanced resolution condemning Israel in the Security Council and then stood unapologetically against it when a similar resolution was brought before the UN General Assembly. The United Nations’ history of bias against Israel is well-documented – as the House of Representatives noted in overwhelmingly passing H. Res. 438 last December. At a time when the UN is straying ever farther away from fairness in its deliberations regarding Israel, we must have this consistent and steady voice to support the U.S.-Israel alliance.

We urge you to allow a fair debate and vote on John Bolton’s qualifications. Reports have quoted you, Senator Biden, as saying that you see “no point in considering Mr. Bolton’s nomination again,” but we urge you to reconsider that position in the final weeks of the 109th Congress.”


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