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USAID: From The American People - Link to USAID Home Page HIV/AIDS Anti-malaria campaign reduces the number of infections - Click to read this story
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Envelope Contact Global Health


Photo of a celebratory meal being prepared for patients and guests invited by clinic staff to launch the first HIV treatment program in Rwanda.
  A celebratory meal is prepared for patients and guests invited by clinic staff to launch the first HIV treatment program in Rwanda.
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Source: USAID

USAID seeks to increase the availability of antiretroviral therapy in developing countries, allowing people infected with HIV/AIDS to live longer and more productive lives. Building on established clinical programs, USAID supports interventions that provide antiretroviral drugs and improve access to quality treatment services through training health care providers and strengthening health facilities. Activities also include monitoring ARV resistance, enhancing supply chain capacity, long-term human resource development, establishing treatment protocols, and advancing supportive policy initiatives.

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