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Washington, D.C. 20510
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blue diamond bullet Don't Kill Business to Pay for Health Care (Investor's Business Daily - July 2009)
blue diamond bullet Trashed Job Market Follows Obama's Health Plan (Bloomberg News - July 2009)
blue diamond bullet Don't Rush to Close Guantanamo (January 2009 - CNN) PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed  Word icon   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed Word icon and link to the Op-Ed
blue diamond bullet America's Best Days Lie Ahead (January 2009)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new
blue diamond bullet Standing Up for Parents and Children (September 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new
blue diamond bullet The U.S. Needs a National Center for Strategic Communications (September 2008)   Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet We Need a Medicare Payment Permanent Fix (July 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new
blue diamond bullet Why I Voted The Way I Did on the Medicare Bill (July 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new
blue diamond bullet Defending Marriage (June 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new
blue diamond bullet Helping Our Soldiers Who Suffer from PTSD (April 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new
blue diamond bullet Rebuilding the Family (February 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Examining Our Stem Cell Research Policy (February 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Helping Families Facing a Pre-Natally Diagnosed Condition (February 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Air Force Tanker Contract Deserves Attention (January 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Celebrating Martin Luther King Day (January 2008)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Sunflower Energy's Expansion Would be Good for Kansas (November 2007)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet We Need Energy Security (September 2007)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Faith and Reason Are not Mutually Exclusive (May 2007)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Wilberforce Is a Hero for the Ages (February 2007)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Compassionate Care is Needed for Cancer Patients (July 2006)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Congo Needs Help (December 2005)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new
blue diamond bullet Judge Roberts Would Make an Excellent Supreme Court Justice (July 2005)  Word icon Word icon and link to the Op-Ed   PDF icon PDF icon and link to the Op-Ed new new


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