U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Latest Hearings View By Month
August 2009
  10th at 09:30 AM Addressing Surface Transportation Needs in Rural America
  06th at 02:30 PM Waste, Fraud and Abuse in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
  06th at 10:00 AM Aviation Safety: The Relationship Between Network Airlines and Regional Airlines
  05th at 02:00 PM Executive Session
  05th at 10:00 AM Nominations Hearing
July 2009
  30th at 02:30 PM Climate Services: Solutions from Commerce to Communities
  29th at 02:30 PM Nominations Hearing
  28th at 10:00 AM Weathering the Storm: The Need for a National Hurricane Initiative
  22nd at 02:30 PM Rethinking the Children's Television Act for a Digital Media Age
  22nd at 10:00 AM Advertising Trends and Consumer Protection
  21st at 02:30 PM Executive Session
  16th at 10:00 AM Competition in the Health Care Marketplace
  15th at 02:30 PM Nominations Hearing
  15th at 10:00 AM Contraband Cell Phones in Correctional Facilities: Public Safety Impact and the Potential Implications of Jamming Technologies
  14th at 10:00 AM The Economy and Fraud: Protecting Consumers During Downward Economic Times
  08th at 02:00 PM Executive Session and Nominations Hearing
  07th at 10:00 AM U.S. Coast Guard Oversight
June 2009
  24th at 02:30 PM Consumer Choices and Transparency in the Health Insurance Industry
  23rd at 02:30 PM “High-Speed Passenger Rail: How Fast Will It Get Here?”
  18th at 02:30 PM Freight Transportation In America: Options For Improving The Nation’s Network
  17th at 02:30 PM The Consumer Wireless Experience
  17th at 10:00 AM Aviation Safety: The Role and Responsibility of Commercial Air Carriers and Employees
  16th at 02:30 PM Nominations Hearing
  16th at 10:30 AM Nomination Hearing
  11th at 11:00 AM FY 2010 NOAA Budget Hearing
  10th at 02:30 PM Aviation Safety: FAA’s Role in the Oversight of Air Carriers
  09th at 09:30 AM The Blue Economy: The Role of the Oceans in our Nation’s Economic Future
  03rd at 02:30 PM GM And Chrysler Dealership Closures: Protecting Dealers And Consumers
May 2009
  27th at 09:00 AM The State Of The Travel And Tourism Industry- The Minnesota Perspective
  21st at 02:30 PM NASA FY 2010 Budget Request
  21st at 10:30 AM Health and Product Safety Issues Associated with Imported Drywall
  20th at 02:00 PM Executive Session
  19th at 11:00 AM Nominations Hearing
  13th at 02:15 PM Reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): Perspectives of Aviation Stakeholders
  13th at 10:00 AM Tourism in Troubled Times
  06th at 02:30 PM The Future of Journalism
  05th at 03:00 PM Piracy on the High Seas: Protecting our Ships, Crews, and Passengers
April 2009
  28th at 02:30 PM The Future of National Surface Transportation Policy
  28th at 10:30 AM Formaldehyde in Textiles and Consumer Products
  23rd at 12:00 PM Executive Session
  21st at 02:30 PM Nominations Hearing
March 2009
  31st at 10:15 AM PART II: Deceptive Health Insurance Industry Practices – Are Consumers Getting What They Paid For?
  26th at 10:30 AM PART I: Deceptive Health Insurance Industry Practices – Are Consumers Getting What They Paid For?
  25th at 09:45 AM FAA Reauthorization – NextGen And The Benefits Of Modernization
  19th at 10:00 AM Executive Session
  19th at 10:00 AM Cybersecurity – Assessing Our Vulnerabilities and Developing An Effective Response
  18th at 10:00 AM Nomination of Gary Locke to Be U.S. Secretary of Commerce
  12th at 10:00 AM Executive Session
  12th at 10:00 AM Climate Science – Empowering Our Response to Climate Change
  12th at 10:00 AM Executive Session
February 2009
  26th at 10:00 AM Consumer Protection and the Credit Crisis
  12th at 10:00 AM Executive Session
  12th at 10:00 AM Nominations Hearing
January 2009
  21st at 02:00 PM Nomination Hearing for Representative Ray LaHood to be Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation
Public Information Office: 508 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
Tel: 202-224-5115
Hearing Room: 253 Russell Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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