Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana - Press Releases
Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana
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Press Release of Senator Lugar

Energy Department to invest up to $84 million in enhanced geothermal systems

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar announced that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued two Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) for enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). EGS technologies can be used to create new "engineered" geothermal reservoirs or to stimulate existing geothermal reservoirs that are underperforming. Together, the FOAs offer up to $84 million over six years, including $20 million in fiscal year 2009, however future funding is subject to congressional appropriations.
Conventional geothermal energy systems must be located near easily-accessible geothermal water resources, limiting its nationwide use. Utilizing EGS technology would allow power generation in a broad variety of geographic locations. EGS makes use of available geothermal resources to heat engineered reservoirs, which can then be used to produce electricity.
The FOAs will explore two specific areas: component research and development/analysis and support for EGS demonstration projects.
The first FOA seeks advanced technology to address important aspects of engineered geothermal reservoir creation, management, and utilization. The DOE anticipates making 20 to 30 awards for a total value of up to $35 million under this FOA, based on annual appropriations. Proposals will be evaluated based on their applicability to the program’s multi-year research, development, and demonstration plan; level of technical innovation; and ability to introduce new technologies into the marketplace. Research teams comprised of academia, industry, or both are expected to apply. The FOA can be found on
The second FOA seeks domestic projects in a variety of geologic formations that will quantitatively demonstrate and validate reservoir creation techniques that sustain sufficient fluid flow and heat extraction rates for 5-7 years and produce at least 5 megawatts per year per project. DOE anticipates making 5 to 10 awards under this announcement for up to $49 million, based on annual appropriations. Applicants eligible to apply include institutions of higher education, non-profit entities, for-profit private entities, state/local governments, and Indian tribes. The FOA can be found also be found on
“Energy issues pose a multitude of challenges for United States national security, foreign policy, economy, and environment,” said Lugar. “Meeting these challenges requires a rigorous and farsighted policy to move us toward a sustainable energy future, and I believe that alternative fuels, combined with hybrid and other technologies, can begin to move us away from our extreme dependence on oil in the next decade.”
For more than a decade, Lugar has stressed the strategic importance of energy security and the economic burdens associated with the dependence on imported foreign energy sources. His legislative efforts promote sustainable energy production and utilize incentives for renewable fuels such as; cellulosic ethanol, E85, increased fuel economy in cars, and clean coal. The Lugar Energy Initiative at highlights the repercussions of America's alarming dependence on imported oil; provides information on the energy-related legislation introduced by Lugar; includes commentary by outside experts; and presents information on alternative and renewable energy sources.
Questions regarding the federal grants application process may be directed to Andrew Mills, Grants Coordinator for Senator Lugar, by phone at 202-224-4814 or by email at