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HERBERT HOOVER: Presidential Cartoons

Drawing a cartoon of the President is the cartoonist's way of telling the newspaper readers something about the job of being president. The cartoon at its best is used to simplify and get to the heart of the matter.

There have been several famous political cartoonists who got across their message through illustration and humor. One of these is "Ding" Darling. His work appeared daily on the front page of the Des Moines register for nearly three decades. He received the Pulitzer Prize twice for editorial cartooning and created the cartoons on the following pages.

Study the cartoons. Can you read the message in each one?

Ding Darling cartoon, 3/21/28

Ding Darling cartoon, 3/4/1929

Ding Darling cartoon, 3/29/1929

Ding Darling cartoon, 11/10/1928


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If you are unable to view these cartoons as displayed, please contacat the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum and additional information will be provided. Send all inquiries to: hoover.webmaster@nara.gov

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
210 Parkside Drive
West Branch, IA 52358