Today's GAO Reports - March 30, 2006

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) today released the following reports and testimonies:


1. Health Professions Education Programs: Actions Needed to Measure Impact. GAO-06-55, February 28.  Highlights

2. Debt Management: Treasury Has Refined Its Use of Cash Management Bills but Should Explore Options That May Reduce Cost Further. GAO-06-269, March 30.  Highlights


1. Federal Rulemaking: Perspectives on 10 Years of Congressional Review Act Implementation, by J. Christopher Mihm, managing director, strategic issues, before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, House Committee on the Judiciary. GAO-06-601T, March 30.  Highlights

2. Social Security Numbers: More Could Be Done to Protect SSNs, by Cynthia M. Fagnoni, managing director, education, workforce, and income security issues, before the Subcommittee on Social Security, House Committee on Ways and Means. GAO-06-586T, March 30.  Highlights

3. Financial Management Systems: DHS Has an Opportunity to Incorporate Best Practices in Modernization Efforts, by McCoy Williams, director, financial management and assurance; and Keith A. Rhodes, chief technologist, before subcommittees of the House Committees on Government Reform and Homeland Security. GAO-06-553T, March 29.  Highlights

4. Homeland Security: Progress Continues but Challenges Remain in Department's Management of Information Technology, by Randolph C. Hite, director, information technology, before subcommittees of the House Committees on Government Reform and Homeland Security. GAO-06-598T, March 29.  Highlights

5. Homeland Security: The Status of Strategic Planning in the National Capital Region, by William O. Jenkins, Jr., director, homeland security and justice, before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. GAO-06-559T, March 29.  Highlights

6. Cargo Container Inspections: Preliminary Observations on the Status of Efforts to Improve the Automated Targeting System, statement for the record by Richard M. Stana, director, homeland security and justice, before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. GAO-06-591T, March 30.  Highlights

7. Defense Logistics: Preliminary Observations on Equipment Reset Challenges and Issues for the Army and Marine Corps, by William M. Solis, director, defense capabilities and management, before the Subcommittees on Readiness and Tactical Air and Land Forces, House Committee on Armed Services. GAO-06-604T, March 30.  Highlights

8. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites: Cost Increases Trigger Review and Place Program's Direction on Hold, by David A. Powner, director, information technology, before the Subcommittee on Disaster Prevention and Prediction, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. GAO-06-573T, March 30.  Highlights

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