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2008/2009 P3 Teams

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2008-2009 P3 Grant Recipients - Phase 1: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity, and the Planet

EPA Grant Number
Project Title Project Description Photos
Appalachian State University Closing the Carbon Loop: Growing Algae Using Sustainable CO2 from Bio-waste Appalachian State University students are designing and building a sustainable algaculture facility for producing biofuels. [Read More] Photos
Appalachian State University Fair Trade Ethanol: Fuel Production from Coffee Wastes Appalachian State University students are designing and developing a coffee wastewater treatment system to improve the sustainability of coffee production. [Read More] Photos
Austin Peay State University Microbial Solution: Application of Microorganisms for Biofuel Production and CO2 Mitigation Austin Peay State University students are converting solar energy and waste CO2 (carbon dioxide that is released in power plants by burning fossil fuels) into biofuels by sequential use of microalgae and bacteria in bioreactors. [Read More] Photos
Butte Community College From the Source - Tap Water as a Sustainable Alternative Butte-Glenn Community College District students are exploring ways to reduce the use of plastic bottled water. Read More] Photos
California Lutheran University Environmental Monitoring, Modeling and Assessment (EMMA): An Integrated Design for Evaluating Risk and Disparities in Residential Communities California Lutheran University students are identifying and modeling the transport and behavior of pollutants in the aquatic system of the Ventura River, California watershed. Read More] Photos
Columbia University
Earth Institute at Columbia University
Engineers Without Borders-USA
University of Texas at El Paso
Multifunction Energy Platform (MFP) Pilot Columbia University students are installing and monitoring a multifunction platform (MFP) in a farming cooperative network in Soroti, Uganda. [Read More] Photos
Drexel University Syntactic Selective Near Infrared Scattering Architectural Coatings Drexel University students are studying architectural coatings capable of scattering and reflecting UV, Visible, and NIR radiation from the sun to reduce solar gain on the exterior of a building. Read More] Photos
Fort Lewis College Sustainable Anaerobic Digester/Cook Stove Design to Promote Health, Environment, and Economic Prosperity for Indigenous People of Ecuador Fort Lewis College students are designing, developing, and implementing an anaerobic digester with a burner system for villages of indigenous Quechua people in the mountains of central Ecuador. [Read More] Photos
Gonzaga University Green Energy for a Dormitory in Kitale, Kenya Gonzaga University students are studying the utility of water filtration technologies, biomass utilization and alternative energies for use in a proposed new dormitory. [Read More] Photos
James Madison University Promoting Sustainability on Campuses: A College Student Run, Electric-Assisted Bicycle Competition for High Schools James Madison University students are developing an annual design competition for high school students that raises awareness of an alternative commuting vehicle and promotes STEM disciplines. [Read More] Photos
Johns Hopkins University Development of an Economical and Sustainable Irrigation Ram Pump for Community Gardening in South Africa Johns Hopkins University students are studying ways to improve and promote a locally designed (“Alcock”) ram pump as a solution to problems of irrigation in community vegetable gardens in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. [Read More] Photos
Kentucky State University Using GIS to Determine Plantable Area for Prairie Switchgrass Biofuel Production in Kentucky Rights-of-Way Kentucky State University students are studying whether prairie switch grass can be planted in Kentucky rights of way and then harvested for conversion to biofuel. [Read More] Photos
Lafayette College Using CODE-PSI to Promote Integrated Sustainable Water and Economic Systems in Yoro, Honduras Lafayette College students are creating a sustainable development framework (CODE-PSI) as a conceptual design for rural potable water infrastructure projects in developing countries. [Read More] Photos
Lehigh University Creation of a Multidisciplinary Project Platform for Water Systems in Developing Countries Lehigh University students are designing and constructing a system for the treatment and distribution of drinking water in Pueblo Nuevo, Honduras. [Read More] Photos
Lone Star College-Kingwood Integrated Waste and Water Management Project (IWWMP) - Batangas, Philippines Lone Star College-Kingwood students are developing a sustainable integrated waste and water management project for a newly-built rural community in Batangas, Philippines. [Read More] Photos
Massachusetts Institute of Technology A Novel Solar Thermal Combined Cycle with Bio-Methane Carbon Capture for Distributed Power Generation Massachusetts Institute of Technology students are developing and demonstrating a modular renewable energy cogeneration system that can use solar and organic resources. [Read More] Photos
Minnesota State University - Mankato Design of a Small - Scale Solar Chimney for Sustainable Power Minnesota State University – Makato students are designing and testing a small-scale solar chimney for use as a renewable energy source. [Read More]  
Minnesota State University - Mankato Solar Collector and Storage Kit Made with Tire Inner Tubes Minnesota State University – Mankato are designing, building, and testing a solar-hot-water system that is made with tire inner tubes and/or other readily available materials for developing nations. [Read More] Photos
Missouri University of Science and Technology Missouri S&T's Design for an Environmental STEP Ahead: Solar Thermal Electric Panels Missouri University of Science and Technology students are designing a solar thermal and electric energy hybrid roof panel system in a modular form so that alternative energy sources are available and affordable for typical homes. [Read More] Photos
Missouri University of Science and Technology Residential Building Adaptive Energy Management System (R-BAEMS) Design Missouri University of Science and Technology students are measuring the environmental impact of automated energy management systems for residential structures. [Read More] Photos
Rochester Institute of Technology Self-Contained Human and Solar Powered LED Lighting System for Use in the Developing World Rochester Institute of Technology students are designing, building, and conducting preliminary tests of a prototype LED lamp to be used in developing nations as an inexpensive source of light. [Read More] Photos
Stanford University Bioinspired Design and Directed Evolution of Iron Containing Enzymes for Green Synthetic Processes and Bioremediation The Leland Stanford Jr. University students are studying how iron containing enzymes work in biological systems so they could be applied towards green synthesis and bioremediation. [Read More] Photos
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry A Novel Process for Biological Nitrogen Removal from Dairy Wastewater in Constructed Wetlands SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry students are studying ecologically-engineered treatment systems that will remove nitrogen from dairy wastewater. [Read More] Photos
Texas A & M University Improving Hydrologic Sustainability of Texas A&M University Campus Texas A&M students are collecting rainfall, runoff, and environmental data and simulating hydrologic conditions to quantify storm water runoff impacts on campus. [Read More] Photos
University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa Desalination and Demineralization with Solar Evaporation Array (SEA) University of Alabama students are developing the Solar Evaporation Array (SEA) panel, a desalination and water-purification apparatus powered by the sun. [Read More] Photos
University of Arizona Development of Sustainable Integrated Aquaculture Systems With Assessment of Environmental, Social, and Economic Implications University of Arizona students are designing and testing a recirculating aquaculture production system. [Read More] Photos
University of Arizona User-friendly Solar Ovens for Outdoor and Indoor Use University of Arizona students are developing a safer and user-friendly solar oven for indoor and outdoor cooking. [Read More] Photos
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Production of Butanol from Biomass using Novel Membrane Reactor University of Arkansas-Fayetteville students are exploring the use of a novel membrane reactor for the production of butanol from biomass-derived sugars as a sustainable and greener energy alternative biofuel. [Read More] Photos
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville A Robust Process for Biodiesel Production Using Supercritical Methanol University of Arkansas-Fayetteville students are evaluating the use of a supercritical methanol treatment and ultrasonic stimulation for production of biodiesel from variable composition feedstock. [Read More] Photos
University of California - Davis Implementation of Green Roof Sustainability in Arid Conditions University of California, Davis students are developing methods to determine the efficacy of green roofs in dry, hot, climate zones such inland California and other regions of the Western U.S. [Read More] Photos
University of California - Los Angeles Eco-Friendly Solid State Photodecarbonylation for the Synthesis of Biologically Active Natural Products University of California - Los Angeles students are studying the synthesis of biologically active pharmaceuticals using a solid state reaction as the key step. [Read More] Photos
University of Cincinnati Enhanced Photocatalytic Solar Disinfection of Water as Effective Intervention Against Waterborne Diarrheal Diseases in Developing Countries University of Cincinnati students and collaborators from Ireland and Mexico are studying novel nanotechnological methods for use in photocatalytic point-of-use reactors for water disinfection in isolated rural zones in Mexico. [Read More] Photos
University of Florida Developing Indicators for Measuring the Sustainability of Bioenergy Products Derived from Pine Forests in US South University of Florida students are developing a framework for four sustainability indices for bioenergy production. [Read More] Photos
University of Florida Water Capture and Filtration System: A Replicable Design Concept for Arid Rural Communities University of Florida students have designed a low-tech, low-cost filtration system for an open pool reservoir in western Africa. [Read More] Photos
University of Maryland - University College Education on Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle - A Non-Traditional University takes the Local Global University of Maryland University College students are educating the public on ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle so there is a reduction of landfill material and pollution runoff. [Read More] Photos
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Integrated Carbon Credit Programs: A Biofuels Program in Madagascar that Links the Energy, Land Use and Transportation Sectors University of Michigan students are developing an approach for securing carbon credits to support the creation of an integrated biofuels projects. [Read More] Photos
University of Michigan Environmental Design to Address Air Pollution and Equity in Southwestern Detroit University of Michigan students are identifying interventions that will reduce ambient fine particulate matter in southwestern Detroit. [Read More] Photos
University of Pittsburgh - Main Campus Removal of Arsenic from Groundwater Using Naturally Occurring Iron Oxides in Rural Regions of Inner Mongolia (China) University of Pittsburgh students are designing a low-cost process for effective removal of arsenic from groundwater. [Read More] Photos
University of South Florida Water Awareness, Research and Education in East Tampa (WARE East Tampa): A pilot collaboration involving USF, Young Magnet Middle School and the East Tampa Community University of South Florida students are studying community education and awareness, as a way of reducing local pollutant inputs to storm water retention ponds. [Read More] Photos
University of St. Francis Permeable Parking: A Green Approach to Managing Water Runoff at the University of St. Francis University of St. Francis students are building a test parking lot of permeable pavement with a water collection system. [Read More] Photos
University of Tennessee - Knoxville The New Norris House: A Sustainable Home for the 21st Century University of Tennessee-Knoxville students are designing a sustainable home based on the original Norris House concept, homes originally built by TVA in 1933 a part of Norris - a New Deal model community. [Read More] Photos
University of Tennessee - Knoxville Advancing the Production and Use of Biodiesel Through the Micro-refining of Waste Glycerol University of Tennessee – Knoxville students are developing a system for the small scale refining and recovery of glycerol, a byproduct of biodiesel production, produced locally by micro-manufacturers. [Read More] Photos
University of Wisconsin - Madison Groundwater Depletion: The Buried Problem University of Wisconsin (UW) students have developed a rain water catchment system for the Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research, located on the UW campus. [Read More] Photos

2008-2009 P3 Grant Recipients - Phase 2: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity, and the Planet

EPA Grant Number
Project Title Project Description
Drexel University Novel Reactor Design for Biodiesel Production Drexel University students are designing a novel reactor for producing biodiesel from alternative feedstocks. [Read More]
Loyola University of Chicago Biodiesel Education: Green-collar Recruiting and Environmental Education for the Next-generation (BE: GREEN) Loyola team will build a lab for production of biodiesel fuel made from cafeteria waste vegetable oil that will fuel inter-campus shuttle buses and other University vehicles. [Read More]
University of California - Berkeley Electrochemical Arsenic Remediation in Rural Bangladesh The University of California team is combining the attractive properties of Electrochemical Arsenic Remediation (ECAR) with an economically sustainable model for clean water delivery to help mitigate the arsenic crisis in Bangladesh. [Read More]
University of California - Davis Production of Natural Plastics in Wastewater Treatment The University of California team will develop a technology to produce plastics from municipal wastewater treatment processes. [Read More]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Ebonyi State University
Sustainable Water Development Program for Rural Nigeria The University of Illinois team will develop community-based water supply systems for rural Nigeria, including borehole drilling, generator installation, distribution system construction, and participatory community programs for rainwater harvesting and surface water protection. [Read More]
University of Iowa Design and Testing of a Point of Use Electrolytic Chlorine Generator for Drinking Water Disinfection in Poor Countries The University of Iowa team will develop and test a low cost, individualized electrolytic chlorine generator that can generate high concentrations of bleach from water containing sodium chloride. [Read More]

If you are a member of a 2008/2009 P3 team, review information for Current Grantees.

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