JCSS is the Joint Net-Centric Modeling & Simulation Tool used to assess end-to-end communication network capabilities and performance. It is the Joint Chiefs of Staff standard for modeling military communications systems.

JCSS is a desktop software application that provides modeling and simulation capabilities for measuring and assessing the information flow through the strategic, operational, and tactical military communications networks.

Results from JCSS simulations and analyses also prvide support for prudent acquisition decisions.


  • Evaluate emerging technologies
  • Support to rapid contingency planning
  • Support to wargaming (force-on-force)


  • Provide a common modeling environment
  • Model military and commercial communication systems
  • Be readily accessible to C4 community
  • Reduce time to conduct analyses
  • Use Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)

The JCSS software will provide network engineers and technicians the ability to plan, evaluate, optimize, and study military communications networks as well as the ability to support commercial networks. Possible studies could be focused on the following areas:

  • Communication Network Performance Study: the ability to assess the effects of full operational combat traffic loading on military communications networks
  • Contingency Study: the ability to conduct quick-turn communications planning for small regional conflicts or peacekeeping scenarios
  • Emerging Technology Study: to be able to evaluate new communications systems and technologies.

Study results will be used to enhance and/or develop the operation of military communications networks.


Operational Scenario and Traffic Load data are input in the JCSS Communication Planner, which provides an output of Comms Performance.  This data can be used for mission planning and acquisition decision-making.

Note: As of October 2007, NETWARS was re-designated by the Program Manager Office as the Joint Communications Simulation System (JCSS). JCSS was selected as the new industry name to better reflect the inherent joint communication capabilities of the software. Users should be aware that no software updates were conducted as part of the software name change.