Homeright arrowResearchright arrowExtramural Researchright arrowInternational HapMap Project right arrowSpecial Requirements for RFA HG-04-005

Special Requirements for RFA HG-04-005

It will be particularly useful for the reviewers, as they evaluate the quality of the genotyping, to have results from a standard set of SNPs and samples. NHGRI has identified a standard set of 200 SNPs and an additional set of 1797 SNPs (see below). Applicants are strongly encouraged to genotype both sets of SNPs in the set of 90 HapMap CEPH samples plus five duplicates (available from the Coriell Institute for Medical Research) and to submit these data to Michael Shi by July 6, 2004, for analysis by NHGRI and the reviewers.

Before beginning to genotype these SNPs, applicants are strongly encouraged to contact:

Michael Shi, M.D., Ph.D.
Program Director
Genetic Variation Program, NHGRI
Building 31, Room B2B07
31 Center Dr., MSC 2032
Bethesda, MD 20892-2033
Phone: (301) 451-1340
E-mail: michael.shi@nih.hhs.gov


Lisa Brooks, Ph.D.
Program Director
Genetic Variation Program, NHGRI
Building 31, Room B2B07
31 Center Dr., MSC 2032
Bethesda, MD 20892-2033
Phone: (301) 435-5544
E-mail: lisa.brooks@nih.hhs.gov

Standard set of 200 SNPs in a text file

Standard set of 200 SNPs in an XML file

Additional set of 1797 SNPs in a text file

Additional set of 1797 SNPs in an XML file

Please e-mail Michael Shi (michael.shi@nih.hhs.gov) if you have trouble accessing the files.

Additional information for ordering the CEPH plate from Coriell:

The Coriell catalogue number for the plate is HapMapPt1. The plate contains 30 trios, five duplicates, and one blank and costs $8,000. Each well contains 50ug of DNA at a concentration of 250ug/ml. The samples will be shipped on dry ice in 96 well plates with a rubber cap mat to seal the plates.

Coriell requires each group to submit an order form, statement of research intent, and an assurance form, which can be found at: ccr.coriell.org/Sections/Collections/NIGMS/Ordering.aspx?PgId=65&coll=GM.

If you have any additional questions about ordering the plate or Coriell's requirements, please contact:

Judy Peluse
Phone: 1-800-752-3805
International Phone: 856-757-4848
E-mail: jpeluse@cimr.umdnj.edu.

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Last Updated: March 25, 2009

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