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National Institutes of Health

NIMH Pages about Men's Mental Health

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Men and Depression
A detailed booklet that describes what you need to know about depression in men: how it looks, how it feels, getting help, and getting better.
Date: 2005
También disponible en Español
Real Men Real Depression (Easy-to-Read)
An estimated six million men in the United States have a depressive disorder-major depression, dysthymia (chronic, less severe depression), or bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) every year.
Date: 2004
También disponible en Español
Men And Depression - Fact Sheet
Depression is a serious but treatable medical condition that can strike anyone regardless of age, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, or gender.
Date: 2003
También disponible en Español

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Science News

Web-based Programs Encourage Safer Sex Behaviors among Men at Risk for HIV/AIDS
August 11, 2009 • Science Update
Web-based Programs Encourage Safer Sex Behaviors among Men at Risk for HIV/AIDS
Brief, Clinic-Based, Peer-led Intervention Helps Reduce Subsequent STDs in African American Men
June 18, 2009 • Science Update
A brief, one-time intervention delivered by a trained peer health advisor was an effective and low-cost method for reducing new infections among young, heterosexual, African American men diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD), according to an NIMH-funded study. Such programs may help reduce STD-related health disparities, which currently affect a disproportionate number of African American men in the United States. The study was published in the April 2009 supplemental issue of the American Journal of Public Health.
Brain Awareness Week Teaches Kids How Their Brains Work
March 17, 2009 • Press Release
The 10th annual Brain Awareness Week (BAW), a science and health education fair held in various locations across the United States, teaches fifth through eighth grade students about the brain. In Washington, D.C., it will take place March 16-20, 2009, at the National Museum of Health and Medicine at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Several institutes from the National Institutes of Health will provide interactive exhibits and lectures focusing on brain health and neuroscience on March 18th and 19th.
Gene Associated with Social Behavior in Animals Has Similar Effects in Human Males
September 02, 2008 • Science Update
A gene variant related to the hormone vasopressin appears to be associated with how human males bond with their partners or wives, according to an NIMH-funded study.
Male Veterans Have Double the Suicide Rate of Civilians
June 12, 2007 • Science Update
Male veterans in the general U.S. population are twice as likely as their civilian peers to die by suicide, a large study shows

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