Johnny Isakson, United States Senator from Georgia Georgia photos

United States Senate
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Washington, DC 20510
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Johnny Isakson's Position Statement on Veterans

VeteransAs a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, one of my top priorities is to make sure America takes care of the veterans who have dedicated their lives to serving our country. Veterans fought to protect our freedoms and ensure our way of life. The people of the United States owe our veterans a great deal, and the promises that our government made to these veterans must be honored.

That is why I have supported legislation that would authorize disabled military retirees to receive both military retired pay and VA disability compensation concurrently and legislation to repeal the offset of Survivor Benefit Plan annuities. If retirement benefits for America's service men and women and their survivors continue to erode, they will lose faith in their chosen careers and in our nation’s commitment to them. Also, as we continue to rely more and more on our Guard and Reservists, we must ensure that we provide them with the benefits and quality of life equal to the demands we make of them.

Veterans Healthcare

I firmly believe the VA must work closely with the Department of Defense to ensure that veterans and their families are provided with timely and high-quality healthcare services.

I have supported legislation that would allow veterans with service-connected disabilities to go to any hospital or medical clinic of their choice. I think that in addition to VA facilities throughout the nation, our veterans with service-connected disabilities should be able to receive health care benefits at non-Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities that receive payments under the Medicare program or the TRICARE program. The Department of Veterans Affairs health care system has consistently been ranked among the best in the nation, and I believe that most veterans will choose to remain with the VA. However, I think that we should ensure that veterans, particularly those in rural areas, have additional options

I also applaud the collaboration that takes place every day in Augusta, Georgia, where the Eisenhower Army Medical Center and the Augusta VA Medical Center work together to treat active duty service members returning from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom who have sustained combat injuries. This model should be duplicated across our nation, and has been featured in national news stories as a successful example of a seamless transition between the DoD and the VA.

Walter Reed Army Medical Center

In 2007, concerns regarding health care for veterans and injured U.S. soldiers have come to light in the wake of a series of articles on the bureaucratic delays and substandard conditions for long-term patients at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, I have traveled to Walter Reed in the past to visit with Georgia soldiers. However, until March 5, 2007, I had never toured the building that was the focus of news reports. After press reports came out regarding the condition of Building 18 at Walter Reed, I requested and received a tour of all the outpatient facilities at the hospital. Building 18 is in need of repair and attention, but all of the other facilities were state-of-the-art and in excellent condition. I was very pleased with the swift and decisive action of Secretary Gates, and I am confident the Army is giving Building 18 the attention it deserves.

I unequivocally believe that anything short of providing the finest care our nation can provide to our soldiers is totally unacceptable. We must do everything possible to improve conditions for our wounded servicemen and women wherever it is needed.

Post-9/11 GI Bill

In June 2008, Congress authorized the Post-9/11 GI Bill, which will become effective in August 2009. The VA will face many challenges as they roll out this new version of the GI Bill, and I look forward to working with the VA to ensure its successful implementation. Our nation’s military and their families have sacrificed tremendously so that our nation can live in freedom. It is important we modernize education benefits for our military to ensure that our servicemembers, veterans and members of the National Guard and Reserve receive the education benefits they deserve.

National Guard and Reserves

Congress has worked hard to expand benefits for Reservists, National Guardsmen and their families. We honor the many men and women who have selflessly served and their families who sacrifice so much during their absence. We recognize their dedicated service to our country during the global war on terror and have implemented numerous benefits on their behalf. In recent years, Congress has enacted legislation to improve medical readiness, increase retention and ensure health coverage for those who continue to serve.

I am pleased to be an original cosponsor of S.644, the National Guard and Reserve Retired Pay Equity Act of 2009, which will allow duty back to September 11, 2001, performed by the men and women of the National Guard and Reserves to qualify for the early receipt of retired pay.

Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

I am honored and pleased to be a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and I look forward to continued oversight of benefits and healthcare for veterans. Additionally, I will work with my colleagues to implement important initiatives to enhance the quality of life for veterans.

During the 110th Congress, the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs held over 100 hearings. Topics included reducing the backlog of veterans’ benefits claims, seamless transition between the DoD and VA, the GI Bill, VA research, homelessness among veterans, and the VA's budget.

Veterans News Releases


Washington: United States Senate, 120 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 Tel: (202) 224-3643 Fax: (202) 228-0724
Atlanta: One Overton Park, 3625 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 970, Atlanta, GA 30339 Tel: (770) 661-0999 Fax: (770) 661-0768