Johnny Isakson, United States Senator from Georgia Georgia photos

United States Senate
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Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-3643
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Tel: (770) 661-0999
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Johnny with Georgia students on the Capitol steps Education has always been my passion because I believe a quality education – whether public, private or home school – is the key to a better quality of life, lower unemployment, keeping folks off welfare and expanding economic prosperity for all Americans.

I am very pleased to be a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. I attended public schools; my children attended public schools; and from 1996 to1998, I served as Chairman of the Georgia Board of Education.

I will continue to work towards enhancing and improving our nation’s education system. I will also work to keep the dream of a college education within reach of all Americans by supporting federal assistance programs that help make higher education affordable.

No Child Left Behind

In the House of Representatives, I was proud to have served on the drafting team for the No Child Left Behind Act. With the President's strong commitment, we created a comprehensive reform to strengthen this nation's public schools and the result is a landmark law that is providing schools with the necessary resources to give all children a quality education. The bill reflects each of the four pillars of the reform blueprint: accountability and testing, flexibility and local control, funding for what works, and expanded parental control.

Overall, our school systems are improving and our students are receiving more of the educational tools they need to compete in the 21st Century. I am especially pleased with the increased accountability under No Child Left Behind. I believe our continued commitment to improving reading and math skills by those students most at risk will in time reduce drop out rates and improve educational achievement around the country .

That being said, I do realize that there are some areas that need revision, specifically those dealing with Adequate Yearly Progress, Special Education and non-English speaking students. I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure that we re-authorize and improve this valuable legislation.

Head Start

I am a very strong supporter of this program and will continue to work to improve it. In reauthorizing the Head Start program, a federal program that has provided comprehensive early childhood development services to low-income children since 1965, the Senate targeted its focus not only on strengthening the program, but also on raising our expectations of it. In June 2007, I am pleased to report that this bill passed the Senate unanimously in a bipartisan effort to give these children an honest Head Start.

Some of the improvements that I favor include strengthening the Head Start workforce and increasing the accountability of Head Start programs. I am in favor of raising the minimum educational requirements for Head Start teachers, as well as providing opportunities and funding for professional development and in-service training for these teachers. I am also in favor of strengthening the role of the governing board in the oversight of Head Start programs by clarifying legal and financial responsibilities. Policy councils, where the active involvement of parental volunteers remains a priority, will continue to have a collaborative role in decisions regarding operations.

The Student Loan Industry

Student loans help keep the dream of a college education within reach of many Americans. We must ensure that students who invest in this worthy endeavor have straightforward, honest and comprehensive information on which to base their decisions.

There have been a number of state and federal probes of unethical practices in the $85 billion student loan industry. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings announced in April 2007 that a federal task force will examine the ties between lenders and college financial aid officers. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s office has uncovered numerous financial arrangements that benefited schools and lenders at the expense of students. Other state attorneys general are also investigating the industry.

As a result, I am a co-sponsor of legislation to hold colleges, lenders and loan guaranty agencies that provide student loans accountable to a lender’s code of conduct. The Student Loan Accountability and Disclosure Reform Act (S.1262) will establish a Code of Conduct for institutions of higher education that prohibits colleges and their employees from receiving anything of value from any lender in exchange for advantages sought by the lender. The prohibition applies to gifts and trips as well as compensation for service on advisory boards and consulting contracts.

The legislation would prohibit institutes of higher education from designating “preferred lenders” and sending unsolicited electronic mailings to potential borrowers. It would also require colleges to provide students and parents with a guide that enables them to do their own evaluation of the loan products, benefits and services offered by the lenders.

Charter Schools

Charter schools are tuition-free public schools that are open to all students. Educators, community leaders, business people and parents who start charter schools select the curriculum, philosophies and emphases of the schools, such as a back-to-basics foundation, technology focus or school-to-work approach. The start-up nature of many charter schools means they typically operate with less funding and facility support than other public schools.

Georgia was one of the first states to pass a charter school law in 1993. Georgia now has over 20,000 students enrolled in 59 charter schools across the state.

I am proud to support charter schools, which tend to have high achievement rates because parents and the local community are so heavily involved in the very nature of the school. I will do everything I can on a national level to support charter schools, which play a significant role in quality choice in public education.

America COMPETES Act

I am proud to co-sponsor legislation that invests in innovation and education to improve the competitiveness of the United States in the global economy. The America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Act ( S.761) focuses on three primary areas of importance, including increasing research investment, strengthening educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics from elementary through graduate school, and developing an innovation infrastructure.

I am extremely pleased that an overwhelming, bipartisan majority of the Senate voted in support of this legislation, and I am extremely pleased it has been signed by the president into law.

Education News Releases

Click on the links below for access to state education resources as well as information on colleges and universities located throughout Georgia.

Public Colleges and Universities | Private Colleges and Universitites | Technical Colleges

State Education Resources

Public Colleges and Universities

Private Colleges and Universities

Technical Colleges

Educational Opportunities

Presidential Scholars
The Presidential Scholars Program is a nonpartisan, public-private partnership designed to recognize and provide leadership development experiences for some of America's most outstanding graduating high-school seniors. Check out our Georgia Scholars.

National Youth Leadership Council
For more than two decades, NYLC has led a movement linking youths, educators, and communities to redefine the role of young people in society. That movement is service-learning, and it empowers youths to transform themselves from recipients of information and resources into valuable, contributing members of a democracy.

Governors Intern Program
The Governor's Intern Program, initiated in 1971, provides the best, brightest, and most ambitious college and law students with practical professional experience before they enter the working world. Entering the 34th year of operation, the Governor's Intern Program offers invaluable work experience each semester in numerous state agencies throughout Georgia.

Congressional Youth Leadership Council
The Congressional Youth Leadership Council (CYLC) offers educational leadership conferences for an elite group of outstanding young people from across the country and around the world, whose nomination provides them with unmatched enrichment opportunities in a distinguished academic environment.

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program
This unique program provides 250 full scholarships for American high school students to live with a host family and attend school in Germany for a year. As a Congress-Bundestag student, you'll gain real world views of current affairs and German social, political and economic life. Whether or not you've studied German before, your language skills will soar, giving you the lifelong asset of fluency in a second language.

United States Senate Youth Program
Sponsored by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, the annual United States Senate Youth Program will be held in Washington, D. C., from March 3 to 10, 2007. Two student leaders from each state, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity will spend a week in Washington and hear major policy addresses by senators, cabinet members, officials for the Departments of State and Defense and directors of federal agencies, as well as participate in a meeting with a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Each delegate will be awarded a $5,000 College Scholarship for undergraduate studies.

Interested students in Georgia should contact their high school principal or the state-level selection administrator: Dr. Joseph W. Searle, Jr, Director, Governor's Honors Program, Georgia Department of Education, 1862 Twin Towers East, Atlanta, GA 30334, (404) 657-0183. The United States Senate Youth Program Georgia selection deadline is: September 15, 2006.

Educational Scholarships, Grants & Loans

Financial Aid for Students
This Information Web page, prepared by the Congressional Research Service, guides students through the process of locating and applying for financial aid; and repaying student loans

Georgia Student Finance Commission
The Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC) is responsible for student financial aid programs in Georgia (including the HOPE Scholarship Program).

Georgia Higher Education Savings Plan (529 Plan)
The Georgia Higher Education Savings Plan is a Section 529 college savings plan offered by the state of Georgia, and managed by TIAA-CREF. Section 529 plans, which are offered by states under federal tax code, provide significant tax advantages to parents and others who save for a child's future higher education expenses.

U.S. Department of Education
Enter the Department's site to get information or help with educational loans.

Coalition of America's Colleges and Universities
One-step resource guide for parents, students, and education professionals regarding preparing for, selecting, and paying for college. Includes overview of student aid programs, FAQs, and a glossary of terms.

College Board
Complete guide to the college application process, including finding the right colleges and financial aid, preparing for the SAT and other tests, and exploring career options. Includes search function for undergraduate scholarships, loans, internships, and other financial aid programs from non-college sources.

Mapping Your Future
Sponsored by a group of guaranty agencies who participate in the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL), this site covers selecting a school and planning a career and includes a step-by-step guide to paying for school.

FastWeb, Inc.
Matches students with eligibility requirements for more than 600,000 scholarships from around the country based on profile data entered by the student.

Sallie Mae
Sallie Mae is the nation's largest provider of education loans, primarily through the federally guaranteed Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL). This comprehensive website covers all stages of preparing for and financing a college education and includes a database of more than 2.4 million scholarships.

Education Resources

Information for Kids

Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers.

Congress for Kids
Congress for Kids gives you access to interactive, fun-filled experiences designed to help you learn about the foundation of our federal government and how its actions affect you. Although designed for students in grades fourth through high school, other students, teachers, parents, and interested citizens will find helpful, engaging activities, too.

First Gov for Kids
The Federal Government may seem big and confusing. Use these links to learn more about different parts of our government. You'll also learn some fun facts.

Federal Government Links

Government Guide
An excellent resource and a way to access virtually every kind of government service by simply entering your zip code and some basic information.
The official U.S. gateway to all government information connects you to millions of web pages–from the federal government, local and tribal governments and to foreign nations around the world.

The Department of Education
Enter the Department's site to get information or help with educational loans.

No Child Left Behind
Access this site to find information on this bipartisan education reform program.

The White House
Visit the online office of President Barack Obama.

The State Department
Click here for the headquarters of American diplomacy in the 21st century.

The National Park Service
Find information on the nation's parks and monuments.

Georgia Government Links
Click here for online access to Georgia Government.

Georgia Department of Education
Click here to find information about education in Georgia.

Board of Regents, University System of Georgia
Click here to find information on Georgia's 34 college institutions.

Click here to enter the State of Georgia's Georgia's Virtual Library.



Washington: United States Senate, 120 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 Tel: (202) 224-3643 Fax: (202) 228-0724
Atlanta: One Overton Park, 3625 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 970, Atlanta, GA 30339 Tel: (770) 661-0999 Fax: (770) 661-0768