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National Institutes of Health

NIMH Pages about Mental Health Services Research

Science News

Youth with Autism Coming of Age: New NIMH Study Will Focus on Transitions in Service Use and Coverage
August 07, 2009 • Science Update
The transition from teen to young adult involves many highly anticipated rites of passage. However, for youths with developmental disorders, coming of age may signal the sudden end of coverage for education and training programs, health insurance, and youth-oriented services.
Expert Panel Addresses High Rates of Smoking in People with Psychiatric Disorders
February 18, 2009 • Science Update
Numerous biological, psychological, and social factors are likely to play a role in the high rates of smoking in people with psychiatric disorders, according to the report of an expert panel convened by the National Institute of Mental Health. The report reviews current literature and identifies research needed to clarify these factors and their interactions, and to improve treatment aimed at reducing the rates of illness and mortality from smoking in this population.
Health Care Costs Much Higher for Older Adults with Depression Plus Other Medical Conditions
February 13, 2009 • Science Update
Medicare participants who have diabetes or congestive heart failure as well as depression have significantly higher health care costs than their counterparts who do not have co-existing depression, according to a recent NIMH-funded analysis published online ahead of print January 16, 2009, in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Mental Illness, Incarceration, and Community Re-entry
October 29, 2008 • Press Release
Participants discussed whether current knowledge and practices related to the continuity of mental health care in general and telepsychiatry specifically are effective, and how effective methods can be generalized to other domains of mental health care.
The 14th NIMH Biennial Research Conference on the Economics of Mental Health
September 25, 2008 • Press Release
This year the program committee invited investigators to present original policy-relevant research that can contribute toward building a high performance mental health system.

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Meeting Summaries

Enhancing the Impact of Mental Health Services Research
July 23, 2007 – July 24, 2007
Washington, D.C.
The Services Research and Clinical Epidemiology Branch of DSIR sponsored the 19th National Conference on Mental Health Services Research: “Enhancing the Impact of Mental Health Services Research”.
Dissemination and Implementation Research Workshop: Harnessing Science to Maximize Health
May 26, 2007
Rockville, Maryland
On March 26, 2007, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) co-sponsored a meeting entitled “Dissemination and Implementation Research Workshop: Harnessing Science to Maximize Health.”
NIMH Special Symposium: Mental Illness, the Person, and Prison
May 14, 2007
Bethesda, Maryland
In May 2007, NIMH hosted a symposium on the urgent problem of prisoners with serious mental illness.
The 13th NIMH Biennial Research Conference on the Economics of Mental Health
September 25, 2006 – September 26, 2006
Bethesda, Maryland
In September 2006, the NIMH Division of Services and Intervention Research (DSIR) sponsored a national research conference on mental health economics.
Northeast Regional Meeting on Connecting Science and Service
September 04, 2006
Baltimore, Maryland
NIMH, the Center for Mental Health Services (SAMHSA), and the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), held this two-day meeting in September in Baltimore, Maryland, to identify relevant research and service development agendas to improve the public mental health system in the region.

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Director’s Updates

NIH Director’s Pioneer Awards and New Innovator Awards: Funded Work Includes Research that May Increase Knowledge about Mental Health and Brain Disease
October 18, 2007
On September 17, 2007, NIH Director Elias Zerhouni announced the 2007 recipients of the Pioneer Awards and New Innovator Awards. The awards are key components of the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research. The programs support exceptionally creative scientists who take highly innovative approaches to major challenges in biomedical research.
NIMH Names Director for Division of Pediatric Translational Research and Treatment Development
May 02, 2007
Molly Oliveri, Ph.D., was recently selected to be Director of the Division of Pediatric Translational Research and Treatment Development (DPTR), after a competitive, nationwide search.

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