NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: October 2004

  1. September 2004
  2. November 2004
  1. Laser Technology Helps Track Changes in Mount St. Helens October 25, 2004

    United States Geological Survey (USGS) and NASA scientists studying Mount Saint Helens are using high-tech light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technology to analyze changes in the surface elevation of the crater, which began deforming in late September 2004.

  2. Researchers Find Frozen North May Accelerate Climate Change October 12, 2004

    Despite their sub-zero temperatures, a warming north may add more carbon to the atmosphere from soil, accelerating climate warming.

  3. Study Shows Potential for Antarctic Climate Change October 6, 2004

    While Antarctica has mostly cooled over the last 30 years, the trend is likely to rapidly reverse, according to NASA researchers.

  4. Earthquake Forecast Program Has Amazing Success Rate October 4, 2004

    A NASA funded earthquake prediction program predicted the locations of 15 of California's 16 largest earthquakes this decade.

  5. NASA Infrared Images May Provide Volcano Clues October 4, 2004

    NASA scientists took infrared (IR) digital images of Mount Saint Helens' last week.