NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: September 2008

  1. August 2008
  2. October 2008
  1. Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Lowest Coverage for 2008 September 16, 2008

    Arctic sea ice coverage appears to have reached its lowest extent for 2008 and the second-lowest amount recorded since the dawn of the satellite era.

  2. NASA Satellites Provide Allergy Relief September 15, 2008

    NASA and its partners explore a tantalizing link between pollen and some dangerous health conditions.

  3. NASA Study Illustrates How Global Peak Oil Could Impact Climate September 10, 2008

    NASA researchers have identified feasible emission scenarios that could keep carbon dioxide below levels that some scientists have called dangerous for climate.

  4. 2008 Hurricane Season Kicks Into High Gear September 4, 2008

    For the first time in the 2008 hurricane season, there are four tropical cyclones active in the Atlantic Ocean basin on one day.