NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: August 2008

  1. July 2008
  2. September 2008
  1. Changing the World, One Student at a Time August 27, 2008

    For 10 years, the DEVELOP program has pushed the envelope of the traditional summer internship, encouraging students into research projects with big implications for society.

  2. 2007 Hurricane Forecasts Took Blow from Winds and Saharan Dry, Dusty Air August 18, 2008

    A new analysis of environmental conditions over the Atlantic Ocean shows that hot, dry air associated with dust outbreaks from the Sahara desert was a likely contributor to the quieter-than-expected 2007 hurricane season.

  3. Project Anniversary Shows Value of Long-Term Investment in Climate Research August 15, 2008

    The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) to study the role that clouds play in the climate celebrates its 25th anniversary this summer.

  4. NASA Study Lights Path to How Smoke Changes Cloud Cover, Climate August 14, 2008

    Researchers have identified the common thread that determines how aerosols from human activity, like the particles released from forest fires, influence cloud cover and affect climate.

  5. Portrait of a Warming Ocean and Rising Sea Levels: Trend of Sea Level Change 1993-2008 August 13, 2008

    Global sea level is on the rise, but the rise isn't uniform across the ocean. In this image, white and red show where sea level has risen the most; purple and blue where it has dropped.

  6. NASA Data Show Some African Drought Linked to Warmer Indian Ocean August 5, 2008

    A new study has identified a link between a warming Indian Ocean and less rainfall in eastern and southern Africa.