NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

NASA News: May 2008

  1. April 2008
  2. June 2008
  1. NASA Scientists' Model Reveals How Superstorm Plasma Affects Near-Earth Space May 29, 2008

    NASA scientists have uncovered new details about how plasma from superstorms interacts with Earth's magnetosphere.

  2. Satellites Illuminate Pollution's Influence on Clouds May 27, 2008

    Clouds serve a valuable role in Earth's climate, and thanks to A-Train satellites, a closer look at them is possible.

  3. Joint NASA-French Satellite to Track Trends in Sea Level, Climate May 20, 2008

    A satellite that will help scientists better monitor and understand rises in global sea level, study the world's ocean circulation and its links to Earth's climate is undergoing final preparations.

  4. Earth Impacts Linked to Human-Caused Climate Change May 14, 2008

    A new NASA-led study shows that human-caused climate change has impacted a wide range of Earth's natural systems.

  5. Striking a Balance with Climate Change May 7, 2008

    The sun has powered almost everything on Earth since life began, including its climate.

  6. NASA Satellite Captures Image of Cyclone Nargis Flooding in Burma (Myanmar) May 6, 2008

    NASA's Terra satellite captured images of Burma (Myanmar) showing the devastation of flooding from Cyclone Nargis.