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Remarks by Mary L. Chute,
Acting Director, Institute of Museum and Library Services

The White House, Washington, DC
January 30, 2006

Thank you, Mrs. Bush, for the introduction and for graciously hosting today’s celebration. Most importantly, thank you for being a true friend to the nation’s libraries and museums. I’d like to take a moment to mention just a few of the tangible ways in which that friendship has made a real difference to museums and libraries and the people who use them.

Mrs. Bush hosted the first-ever White House conference on school libraries, spotlighting research that ties academic achievement to strong school library programs; and launched the National Book Festival, which began in 2001 and has continued annually. She is personally responsible for the creation of the Librarians for the 21st Century Program, an IMLS grant program that supports recruitment and training of librarians. Now appropriately known as the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, this new source of grants has grown over a very short time to $24 million annually, largely due to the support of the First Lady. Mrs. Bush is the leader of President Bush's Helping America's Youth initiative, listening to the concerns of young people, parents, and community leaders throughout the country and drawing attention to programs that help children avoid risky behaviors. This year, with Mrs. Bush’s inspiration, IMLS will pick up on this initiative by shining a spotlight on the role libraries and museums play in youth development.

The First Lady’s support for education is unwavering and sustained. It grows from her personal experience as a schoolteacher and librarian. She inspires us to do our best for the communities we serve.

I would also like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of 3M Library Systems to this year’s celebration.

Mrs. Bush has told you a bit about this year’s winners of the National Awards for Museum and Library Services. Please enjoy this brief video presentation that will tell you a bit more.

(Awards Video shown - running yime: 2:27)

Mary Chute (continued): As you can see, we are in the presence of some of the most skilled and innovative library and museum professionals in the country. But the National Award for Museum and Library Service is not meant to recognize the mere mastery of library and museum knowledge and technology. While professional ability is an essential means to the end, this award honors the people who make libraries and museums forces for positive change in their communities. When we present the awards we ask each of our honorees to be represented not only by their CEO or board chairman, but also by a member of the community who has thrived in some way that would not have been possible if not for the outstanding work of these exemplary institutions.

As you saw in the video presentation, our mission at the Institute of Museum and Library Services is to create and sustain a nation of learners. We’ve identified four primary ways in which libraries and museums work to achieve this essential goal: by enhancing learning in families and communities, sustaining cultural heritage, encouraging civic engagement, and building the skills necessary for success in the 21st century. In all of these ways, the best museums and libraries in America --six of whom we are honoring today-- are allowing and encouraging our citizens to learn throughout their lifetimes.

And now I would like Dr. Schroeder Cherry, Deputy Director for Museum Services to help us with the presentation of the awards.

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