Thursday, July 30, 2009

U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Floor Statement on the Anthony DeJuan Boatwright Act
Remarks as Delivered on the Senate Floor

Madam President, I rise on an issue of particular importance. I am delighted Senators Burris and Dodd are on the floor. Along with Senator Chambliss, the four of us joined in a very important piece of legislation. In fact, in the gallery tonight is a lady named Jackie Boatwright, whose young son Juan, 8 years ago, was severely injured in a daycare center.

For a second, I wish to talk about the legislation we have introduced and encourage all the Members of the Senate to support it. On September 9, 2001, 2 days before the tragedy of September 11, on a Sunday morning, Mrs. Boatwright got up and took her son to daycare and went to church. On her way home, her cell phone rang. She got a call telling her that her son Juan was now in the hospital. While at the daycare center, he pulled up beside a mop bucket, bent over and fell headfirst in the bucket, which was full of dirty mop water and bleach.

Juan, today, lies semicomatose in a hospital on a ventilator.

The daycare center had no liability insurance. To Mrs. Boatwright's credit, from the day of that tragedy, she has advocated on behalf of parents and young children, so that it is required they be able to know the insurance available to them to protect their children in a daycare center. I mentioned that Senators Dodd, Burris, Chambliss, and myself have introduced legislation, which already passed the House. It requires that any daycare center receiving Federal funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Program must disclose, upon registration and admittance, to any child and their parents the liability coverage they have to protect that child.

Mrs. Boatwright wants to make sure that what happened to little Juan, and what happened in her life as a tragedy, never happens in the life of any other mother anywhere in America. Mrs. Boatwright is a resident of Augusta, GA. I am proud of her for the example she has set. So many citizens don't think they can make a difference. Mrs. Boatwright is taking a tragedy and making a difference for thousands of parents and children for years to come.

I am proud to encourage the Members of the Senate to help us get unanimous consent to agree with the House and pass this legislation, Juan Boatwright's legacy, the Anthony DeJuan Boatwright Act, requiring disclosure of liability insurance coverage to every parent whose child is entering daycare.


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