Homeright arrowResearchright arrowExtramural Researchright arrowThe Large-Scale Genome Sequencing Programright arrowApproved Sequencing Targets right arrowBovine Genome Sequencing

Bovine Genome Sequencing: Bos taurus

Photo of calvesThe National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), in conjunction with the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES); the Agricultural Research Service (ARS); the State of Texas; Genome Canada; the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization of Australia; Agritech Investments, Ltd.; Dairy Insight Incorporated; and AgResearch Limited of New Zealand, currently supports a project aimed at producing a draft assembly of the genomic sequence of cow Bos taurus. The genome will be sequenced to 6- to 8-fold sequence depth, with high-quality finished sequence in some areas. Accompanying EST and SNP analyses will also be included in the Bovine Genome Project.

The Bos taurus sequencing project is being led by researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center and the Genome British Columbia Sequencing and Mapping Platform at the British Columbia Cancer Agency (BCCA).

Genome Sequencing Whitepaper Proposal
  • Bos taurus (Submitted June 2002)

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Additional Resources

Sequence and Assembly
  • dbEST [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] - Database of ESTs at NCBI
cDNA Libraries
BAC Libraries
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Last Reviewed: October 31, 2008

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See Also:

The Large-Scale Genome Sequencing Program

Approved Sequencing Targets

Bos taurus Sequencing Proposal

BAC Library Proposals

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