Homeright arrowResearchright arrowExtramural Researchright arrowThe Large-Scale Genome Sequencing Programright arrowApproved Sequencing Targets right arrowPufferfish Genome Sequencing

Pufferfish Genome Sequencing: Tetraodon nigroviridis

The Tetraodon nigroviridis whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing project was started at Genoscope in 1997. In June 2001, The Whitehead Institute/MIT Genome Sequencing Center, with support from NHGRI, joined Genoscope in this project to accelerate the effort.

The genome has been assembled using over 3 million shotgun sequence reads, which represents 6-fold genome sequence coverage. These reads were then layered on a physical map, resulting in over 108,000 contigs representing 70 percent of the T. nigroviridis genome. In addition to the random sequencing approach, specific regions of interest are being sequenced to finished quality at Genoscope.

Project Link
Sequencing Center Sites

Additional Resources

Sequence and Assembly
Model Organism Database
BACs, Cosmids, Plasmids
  • dbEST [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] - Database of ESTs at NCBI
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Last Updated: October 31, 2008

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See Also:

The Large-Scale Genome Sequencing Program

Approved Sequencing Targets

BAC Library Proposals

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