USGS - science for a changing world

San Joaquin - Tulare NAWQA Program


Burow, K.R., Jurgens, B., Dalgish, B.A., and Shelton, J.L., 2005, Effects of well operation on quality of water from a public-supply well in Modesto, California [abs.]: GSA Annual Meeting, October 16-19, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT. [abstract available at:]

Domagalski, J. and Phillips, S. 2006, Transport of agricultural chemicals: unsaturated zone to ground water to surface water, San Joaquin Valley, California, National Monitoring Conference of National Water-Quality Monitoring Council, May 7-11, 2006, San Jose, CA. [abstract available at:]

Green, C. and Phillips, S., 2006, Modeling of reactive transport of nitrate in a heterogeneous alluvial fan aquifer, San Joaquin Valley, California. National Monitoring Conference of National Water-Quality Monitoring Council, May 7-11, 2006, San Jose, CA. [abstract available at:]

Jurgens, B., Burow, K., Brown, C.J., Dubrovsky, N.M., and Stellenwerk, K.G., 2005, Elevated levels of naturally- occurring uranium in ground water in Modesto, California [abs.]: GSA Annual Meeting, October 16-19, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT. [abstract available at:]

Kratzer, C.R., Domagalski, J.L., Phillips, S.P., Dileanis, P.D., Zamora, C., and Majewski, M.S., 2004, Monitoring all hydrologic compartments in a small agricultural watershed in central California: National Monitoring Conference of National Water-Quality Monitoring Council, May 17-20, 2004, Chattanooga, TN.
      [available on-line as a pdf here]

Kratzer, C.R., and Saleh, D.K., 2007, Trends in nitrate and other nutrients in the San Joaquin River, California: ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meetings, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. (INVITED)
      [available on-line as a pdf here]

Zamora, C., 2006, Using heat as a tracer in the lower Merced River, CA to estimate vertical flux: Third Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, April 2-6, 2006, Reno, NV.

Zamora, C. 2008, Estimating rates of exchange across the sediment/water interface in lower Merced River, California, using temperature as a tracer and direct measurement: National Monitoring Conference of National Water-Quality Monitoring Council, May 18-22, 2008, Atlantic City, NJ. [abstract available at:]

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