Biowulf at the NIH
Biowulf cluster nodes

The NIH Biowulf cluster is a GNU/Linux parallel processing system designed and built at the National Institutes of Health and managed by the Helix Systems Staff. The system is designed for large numbers of simultaneous jobs common in bioinformatics as well as large-scale distributed memory tasks such as molecular dynamics.

Recent Publications:
(All collected publications)
Quantitative Mitochondrial Phosphoproteomics Using iTRAQ on an LTQ-Orbitrap with High Energy Collision Dissociation
Emily Boja, Darci Phillips, Stephanie A French, Robert A. Harris, and Robert Stephen Balaban
J. Proteome Research , published online 24 July 2009 (2009)

Widespread Reductions of Cortical Thickness in Schizophrenia and Spectrum Disorders and Evidence of Heritability
Aaron L. Goldman, Lukas Pezawas, Priv Doz, Venkata S. Mattay, Bruce Fischl, Beth A. Verchinski, Qiang Chen, Daniel R. Weinberger, and Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Arch Gen. Psychiatry 66(5) :467-477 (2009)

Cooperativity Dominates the Genomic Organization of p53-Response Elements: A Mechanistic View
Yongpin Pan and Ruth Nussinov
PLoS Computational Biology :e1000448. (2009)

Functional but not structural changes associated with learning: An exploration of longitudinal Voxel-Based Morphometry
Thomas AG, Marrett S, Saad ZS, Ruff DA, Martin A, Bandettini PA.
Neuroimage , published online June 9 (2009)
Current Cluster Status
Monday, August 24th, 2009
Plot graph of load.
In the last hour:
0 jobs started
17 jobs finished
Users and Jobs:
64 users
1314 running jobs